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Spiritual Awakening | 6 Beginner Tips

Spiritual Awakening: 5 Beginner Tips

In spirituality or really any learning venture, it can be very easy to quickly get overwhelmed. Oftentimes, you get lost in random terminology and concepts, that you don’t even need to know yet. The same applies to spirituality. So if you are going through a spiritual awakening; this spirituality for beginners post is for you!

What Is a Spiritual Awakening?

For those wondering what a spiritual awakening is; it’s the beginning, or deepening, of a conscious journey reconnecting you back to love, your truest self, and your soul’s purpose. But ultimately, it’s the journey back to oneness with the universe. During a spiritual awakening we often undergo a series of significant healing, growth, and awareness of our inner truths. This strips off the false beliefs and illusions keeping us out of alignment with love and our higher self. Despite how intense and overwhelming that may seem, it doesn’t have to be. This can be a beautiful and transformative journey; it can awaken you to your highest potential, and push you into living life in alignment with your most authentic self.

How Do You Start Your Spiritual Journey?

My recommendation is the dip your toe strategy. You don’t have to throw all of your possessions away, travel to Nepal, and meditate for two hours a day. You can do it your way, or you can do all of those things I previously mentioned and more; it’s entirely up to you. It’s your journey, which means you can make it as gradual or high speed as you want it. The key is to follow what feels best, and resonates most for you. That’s the beauty of the spiritual journey; learning to trust yourself and your intuition, and honoring what feels right for you

With all that being said, here are my 6 BEGINNER TIPS to help you navigate your spiritual awakening…

1. Follow Your Curiosity

I know this may sound strange, but again this journey is very much so individual to you. You set the pace and course because only you know what’s best for you, right? So have fun! Follow what lights you up and sparks your interest, and allow yourself to be bold and vulnerable. 

2. Honor Your Instincts 

No one else has lived your life or your experiences, and no one else is going to know what works best for you besides you. So start trusting yourself. Despite what you may currently believe, you know the answers. You just gotta feel it, and allow yourself explore.

Follow what excites and invigorates you. It doesn’t even have to make sense to you, and it may be completely different from anything you’ve ever done; but just go for it! Take that masterclass that interests you. Join that drum circle you’ve been secretly jamming to, write that book that’s been on your mind, or take that trip to Verona you’ve been dying for. Worst case scenario, you fail, or maybe things don’t turn out as expected. That’s okay too, that’s just the Universe teaching you a deeper lesson or redirecting you toward something better. Release strong attachments to specific outcomes, and be open to what an experience has to offer you. 

3. Be a Little Bold 

We’re often conditioned to follow the beaten path, and told this is what life should look like: school, work, marriage, kids, retirement, death. If this is what your life looks like right now and feels best for you, then great! Keep doing what feels aligned with your passion, love, and joy. However, if you are on the same trajectory, or even a completely different one, and you feel absolutely miserable or even dissatisfied, shake it up. That path might not be for you, and that’s great too. Every experience is an opportunity for growth and learning if you allow it to be, just go with an open mind. You will hear me say this time and time again; in every lesson is a blessing.

4. Release the Fear of Failure  

Don’t let the fear of falling stop you from flying. Meaning to say, don’t let your fears hold you back! Fears are there for a reason. Oftentimes, they are our ego’s way of protecting us from rejection, hurt, or pain. Or sometimes they’re not really ours at all, and were conditioned fears placed on us by our parents, friends, teachers, or society. Regardless of where they come from, face them. Acknowledge your fears, thank them for trying to protect you, and question is there any validity to them. Oftentimes fears are irrational, but sometimes they’re reasonable.

For instance,

  • Maybe you want to pitch that idea at your job, but are afraid of having it rejected, getting mocked, or losing credibility.
  • Or, maybe you want to tell your friend that you truly love them, but are afraid of losing them if they don’t feel the same way.

These are potential risks you should acknowledge and reflect on.

Decide whether the potential rewards or consequences are worth the risk, and ask yourself if you are willing to take it. Once you’ve decided this, take the action that feels most authentic and right for you. However, take that action from an intuitive place. Try meditating or going for a walk to ground yourself, and see what your intuition is really telling you.  

5. Open Your Mind

Very often we hold conditioned self limiting and even hurtful beliefs that can impede our spiritual and personal growth. This can make it difficult to accept what your intuition is trying to tell you, or what it may be trying to heal. So as you begin your spiritual journey, open your mind to the different ways your intuition may manifest and communicate with you. It may communicate as just a feeling, a knowing, a subtle inner voice or thought, or even a symbolic or very literal message through your dreams.

Trust the messages you receive, and notice how they are right and how it is being communicated to you. At first, you may be unsure whether this is actually an intuitive message or made up thoughts. But overtime, the more you learn and deepen your connection to your intuition, it will be easier to distinguish between the two. Just give yourself time, and trust yourself, as well as the journey.

6. Identify Your Intuition

You can often easily tell how someone’s intuition manifests by listening to how they speak. You may constantly be the type to say I just knew, I know this is going to happen, without reasonable explanation, and it’s almost always right. OR you may say things like just feel like they have mixed intentions or I felt like this wasn’t right for me, or I can sense it. Pay attention to the words you used when describing something you intuitively picked up on.

If you use words like I feel, felt, or sensed, that’s probably the way your intuition speaks to you most strongly; which would formally be known as the gift of clairsentience, like me. If you use words like I knew or know most frequently, your strongest intuitive gift is most likely claircognizance. There are many other intuitive gifts that I could mention, so if you want me to write a post elaborating further on those then let me know in the comments. 🙂

Spiritual Awakening Journal Prompts

So if you’re like me you probably find journal prompts slightly annoying, but sometimes they’re helpful. So to my readers, I ask you to either write this down or even just think the answers to these questions. It may be slightly more helpful just to have a concrete version of your thoughts written on paper or an electronic device, whichever you choose. But ponder this…

  • What brought you here?
  • Why are you curious about spirituality?
  • What do you want to know?
  • What are you looking to learn or develop?
  • Are you feeling drawn to anything specific? 

Trusting Your Intuition

Whatever it is, honor it. Trust where your intuition is guiding you. It can be: soulmates or past lives, ancestral healing, crystals, herbs, dreams, dance, music, travel, or even meditation, etc… Whatever it is, trust it. This is your intuition speaking to you. Even if it doesn’t make sense to you in this moment, just trust it. It may teach you exactly what you wanted to know, or lead you to another belief system that feels way more aligned than anything you had ever previously encountered. Or, maybe it will lead you to a new way of thinking or even to a new friend who inspires a lot of deep personal growth. Whatever it is, you are drawn to it for a purpose. So allow yourself to explore that and be curious. 

Remember, spirituality for beginners doesn’t have to be hard or difficult. A spiritual awakening is not meant to be scary, please do not be scared. You are more supported than ever before by your angels and guides. You are not alone.

Spiritual Awakening and Angel Numbers

Also, if you’re one of the people having a spiritual awakening getting absolutely bombarded by angel numbers like I was, don’t be scared! You might be seeing 333, 111, 444, 1111 etc. at what seems like everywhere. At first, this used to startle me too, because it was so new and intense. But now, it just feels like a reassuring pat on the back or gentle nudge encouraging me to keep trusting my intuition. So just know you don’t need to be scared, your angels and guides are just trying to communicate with you.

Angel Number Guidance

Try to see this as reassurance, and check in with how you feel and what comes up when you see it. What were you thinking about? This may be gentle encouragement saying you’re on the right path. Every angel number has a different meaning. However, its often best to check in with your own intuition first to see what it means for you on a personal level.

Do this before looking it up, and then see how other interpretations resonate later. This will help strengthen your relationship with your intuition more, and notice how it communicates. This is often one of the most common ways angels communicate and send signs, but they will never intervene or connect with you if you don’t want them to. So if you want them to continue sending you signs of reassurance or guidance, its important to communicate this back to them through gratitude or prayer.

Just Breathe.

It’s gonna be okay. A spiritual awakening can be a really fun and exciting journey if you allow it to be. And it can also be incredibly rewarding. Although, it may seem overwhelming at first if you’re just starting. Remember, you have resources. You are not alone. We are all interconnected, and on this journey together. Although everyone’s journey is unique to themselves, and may look slightly or drastically different from your own, each is valid. Be patient with yourself, do what feels right; and be open to allowing your spiritual journey to evolve and unfold in its own time and sacred rhythm. You’ve got this!

Love, Simone.

The Alchemist’s Moon

