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How to Listen to Your Intuition & Discover Yours

How to Listen to Your Intuition & Discover Yours

For those of you reading at a pivotal point in life, take a breath. Inhale, exhale, and relax. This helps clear the mental clutter and bring you back to the present moment. You’re exactly where you need to be. The more you can relax and ground yourself in the moment, the easier it is for your intuition to come through. Your intuition is already speaking to you. It’s always there, we’re just too distracted by internal and external stimuli to notice. You are reading this, because your intuition is guiding you exactly to where you need to be at this precise moment. Whatever your question is, you already know the answer. You just have to make space for it to come through. The same part of you that drew you to this article, is the same part that knows the answer. This is your intuition.

For those of you who are not at such a crucial points in life, you’re still being led further along your spiritual journey as well. Trust yourself. I know, easier said than done right? I felt the same way, and still do at some points. But intuition is like a muscle, the more you use it the more it develops. It speaks to you every moment of every day. However, we’re often conditioned as children and throughout adulthood to dismiss this part of us that holds our deepest wisdom. So my first request of you is to start trusting that subtle voice within. It may seem subtle now, but the more you trust it the louder it will get. You just have to be present, and learn how it communicates. Here are 5 eye opening ways how!

Recognize Your Natural Intuitive Gifts

Everybody is psychic. Everybody has at least one intuitive gift or sense that is typically more heightened than the others. This is not to say you can’t develop your other spiritual gifts, but typically every person has one that comes naturally without thinking about it. To identify yours, think about the times you were right about something in the past.

  • What were some times you couldn’t have logically known something about a situation, but did?
  • How have you made major life decisions in the past that worked out really well for you, and what guided you there?
  • Was it a feeling, or maybe a quick thought you heard in your mind?
  • Was it a strong sense of knowing?
  • Or maybe a dream or a vision?

Whichever it was pay attention, because these are some of the ways your intuition communicates with you.

5 Intuitive Gifts


We all know those people who always know exactly what’s gonna happen, right? There’s no surprising them, they just know things. They always have a deep sense of inner knowing, and are almost always right. If you are one of those people yourself, this is most likely one of your naturally heightened intuitive gifts. Your intuition communicates to you the easiest through a sense of knowing. You’re probably the one to say, “I knew that’s how that movie was gonna end” or “I knew she was going to have a boy.” Whatever the situation may be, these knowing intuitive hits is how your intuition speaks to you. This is called claircognizance.


For those of you that have this gift heightened, you’re probably the type that always says “I feel like…” or “I just have a feeling about this.”

I find that this gift can be a little trickier to trust at times, because society often dismisses feelings in favor of logic. Early on, your feelings may have even been deemed insignificant or untrustworthy. As a result, people with this gift can often be conditioned to ignore their intuitive feelings or to suppress them. Due to this, I find that some people who have this gift second guess themselves a lot; only to have their initial gut feeling proved correct later on.

This is a beautiful gift. It means you are more in tune with the subtle energetic shifts that exist within and around you, more so than others. You’re most likely able to sense how a situation will turn out, or who a person truly is before it’s revealed to you. Trust your feelings, and trust what you sense initially about a person or situation. Try not to second guess yourself, and trust that your instincts are guiding you on the right path. Self confidence and self trust can be big for you guys, so learn to develop it. Also, learn to decipher when your fear is blocking your intuition. This is the gift of clairsentience.


For those of you that typically say, “I saw that coming, or I don’t see this going well” this is probably for you. Maybe you even have quick flashes of images or events that haven’t happened yet; only to see that exact thing or situation happen later on. Or, maybe you see angel numbers repeatedly throughout your day. This means your primary intuitive gift is most likely clairvoyance, meaning your gifted with clear sight. You may even feel pressure or tingling around your third eye throughout the day. Trust your vision, and notice what daydreams keep popping up in your head. They likely have intuitive messages for you to recognize. Also, pay attention to what images, symbols, or visions you see during meditations. These have meaning too.


If you hear your intuitive messages this one may be for you. I feel like this one is the most difficult for some people to accept or explain, because to some it may sound like hallucinations. However, it’s typically more subtle, and almost feels like hearing your own thoughts, but with much wiser and intuitive guidance.

Sometimes specific thoughts or ideas may just pop into your head. Or, maybe you’ll have a question on your mind, and hear the answer in the song playing on shuffle or in a conversation nearby. You may even have a song you haven’t heard in forever playing in your mind on repeat, listen to the lyrics of that song. It’s probably a message you need to hear that applies to your current situation. This is the gift of psychic hearing, and your intuition communicates through the intuitive messages you hear internally, and in your external environment. This is the gift of clairaudience.


Some people receive intuitive guidance and messages through their dreams. When I first started delving back into my spirituality, I would receive very detailed and wise messages in my sleep, or right before waking. Eventually, I began to realize these were intuitively channeled messages that were meant to guide me. So I would temporarily wake up, and write them down quickly before falling back to sleep. Your dreams might communicate intuitive guidance differently.

Maybe your intuitive messages come symbolically, and you intuitively know what the symbolism is telling you. You may even have very literal dreams that show you events that end up happening in the future, or that happened while you slept. Or, maybe certain passed on relatives come to communicate with you through your dreams. Whatever it is, take note of it and pay attention. Ask yourself what this dream is communicating, and how you felt during the dream.

  • Was there a sense of peace, joy, or excitement?
  • Or was it something else?

It also helps to set the intention to remember your dreams before you fall asleep. Just setting the intention to remember them helps you recall them in the morning.

Ancestral Intuition

Also, it may help to notice which spiritual gifts are prominent in your family. Sometimes, I feel like certain families tend to share spiritual gifts and abilities. This does not define or limit your own, but may help you recognize them in general and also within yourself.

Intuition & Environment

I also feel that one’s conscious connection to their intuition has to do with their early upbringing to some extent. I feel like it can be more difficult for some people to consciously reconnect with their gifts; because they may have been shamed out of doing so earlier on in childhood, due to environmental, cultural, or religious beliefs. However, this does not mean you cannot access or develop your gifts. They are still there, ripe for the taking, and are very much so still intact. So if you feel like this applies to you, no worries!

Easy Intuition Tip

I forgot where I initially heard this tip to be honest, but another way to help you discover which of your intuitive gifts is naturally strongest, is to pay attention to what sticks with you when you watch a movie.

  • Is it the way you felt, or the chemistry between the characters?
  • Does the soundtrack stick with you the most?
  • Or is it the way the characters looked in their makeup and wardrobe?

These are some extra clues to guide you.

If it’s the way you felt, or the vibe of the movie, you’re probably more clairsentient or you may be an empath. If it’s the soundtrack or the words spoken, you’re probably clairaudient. And, if it’s the visuals of the movie, you’re probably clairvoyant. Also, if you knew how the movie ended before it began, or everything before it happened, you’re probably claircognizant. Tadaa! A quick easy tip to discover your intuitive gifts, gotta love it.


This is by no means an extensive list of psychic or spiritual gifts, for even more information click here. These are just the bare basics to get you started on the journey of recognizing and reconnecting with your own. There are many spiritual gifts, and each communicates and expresses itself uniquely to that person. Additionally, you are by no means limited to one spiritual gift. Some people are extremely heightened in two or three, and some just really connect with one. Everyone is different, and each path is valid.

Intuition communicates in many ways. It’s that same voice that spoke when it told you not to go to that party. And that gut feeling that guided you not to take that path home, and not to trust that person. At first, your intuition may seem so subtle it barely seems like a thought to cross your horizon. But overtime you will learn to recognize that initial perception as a deep and trustworthy internal compass guiding you throughout your entire life. If you are just beginning your conscious spiritual journey, and are struggling to find exactly how to pinpoint when your intuition is truly speaking to you; these tips will help. Just keep showing up, and trust yourself. Comment down below if you have any questions or experiences with your own intuition you’d like to share. Which intuitive gift or gifts come most naturally for you?

* Ooh Bonus Practice: Guess which primary spiritual gift is mine by reading this post. Leave your answer in the comments if you think you know! *

Intuition Reflection

How has your intuition spoken to you in the past? Have you always known of your gifts? Did you suppress your gift at one point? What is your relationship to it now, and what helped you along your journey of trusting and reclaiming your power?

Best wishes, Simone. 

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The Alchemist’s Moon





    Great content! Keep up the good work!

    • A.M.

      Thanks love, will do! Much appreciated! 💛