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Spirituality | How to Be Spiritual


If you’re reading this, then you’re probably in the process of beginning or deepening your spirituality. And you may be wondering how you get where many of your spiritual role models are. Sometimes spirituality for beginners can seem slightly daunting, especially if you’re just starting your conscious journey. And I feel very often people delving in, can wonder how to actually become a spiritual person; and what this process entails.

Maybe you’ve just had a spiritual awakening, and question “what now, do I just meditate everyday?” In which case, I suggest reading this post; in addition to another post on my blog, Spiritual Awakening: 6 Beginner Tips. But regardless, right now you might just want to know what you should do or how you should act to be spiritual and start your spiritual journey. The good news is the answer is relatively simple, you already are.

Through the innate nature of all human beings on this planet, we are naturally spirit in human form. So everyone is a spiritual person. Often we just forget this, and lose awareness of this part of ourselves. The bright side is, reconnecting with your spiritual side is natural; you just have to figure out what works best for you. Keep reading for more tips on how to get going with your spiritual journey.

Spiritual Nature

We are spiritual beings incarnate, who came here to live and learn through a human experience. So to be a spiritual person, is ultimately just a matter of remembering this truth; and shedding any illusions clouding it. Overtime, we developed layers of ourselves in order to protect us, and help us navigate through our human experience. At the time, they were necessary and helped us adapt and survive in society. Many refer to this layer of identity as the ego. But, very often we get so used to wearing it, that we forget who we truly are behind it. And then lose sight of our deeply intuitive and spiritual nature along the way.

However, we never truly disconnect from this nature because it is the essence of who we are. Again, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Our connection to the divine never dies. This part of us is always there. It will exist long after our physical death and existed long before our physical birth. All we need to do, is tap in. This is just a matter of releasing the blocks, boundaries, and fears impeding us, from tuning back in to this part of ourselves.

How to Tap In

You can tap in, through whatever practice helps you feel reconnected to your true nature and the universe. The key though, is being present. I know this sounds cliche, but the truth is the universe is always communicating with you. But the way you receive this communication and interpret it, is through your intuition. In order to hear your intuition, you need to be present. If we our minds are crowded with a thousand fearful thoughts and worries you’re probably gonna be too distracted to hear your intuition. This is especially true if you’ve created a habit of ignoring it. Your intuition is like a muscle. The more you use it the stronger it gets; and the more you listen, the louder you hear it. You can develop the skill of presence, through a variety of practices that work best for you.

Spiritual Practices

Your spiritual practice can be as diverse or specific as you’d like to make it. If you feel most connected to god when you walk through the park and reconnect with nature, that is your spiritual practice. If you passionately dance, and feel fully present in that moment, that can be your spiritual practice too. It can be as individual and unique as you’d like to make it; as long as it does no harm to yourself or others. Its whichever practice helps you feel most aligned and connected to your true nature and to the universe. But the truth is; you are always in connection with the universe, because the universe lives within you. We are all interconnected, and you are an extension of always the abundant, boundless, loving force that connects us all. Your practice just helps you drop in and remind you of this.

Spiritual Expression

There is no one way to be a spiritual person. You don’t have to wear, act, speak, or dress any specific way to be a spiritual person, despite what social media may indicate. I want to emphasize this, just because if you’re just starting your spiritual journey, you might be intimidated by what you see or the way some people express their spirituality on different platforms. And I want to let you know that if someone’s expression or beliefs surrounding spirituality don’t resonate with you, thats okay. That path or specific practice may not be for you, and it may not be true for you.

Remember, there are so many aspects and facets of Spirit. Spirituality can be just as vast and dynamic as you are. Each person is a manifestation of the divine. So to think of it as looking any one way and only that way, may be limiting your ability to perceive the infinite expressions of the Universe. Meaning to say, if you are constantly waiting for one preconceived manifestation to show up; you may be limiting your experience by missing all of the many ways Spirit already is. So be open to seeing the divine within yourself, others, and the world; because it is always within and around you. Just allow yourself to see it in the many forms it takes.

Social Media and Spirituality

So I mention social media because some people get pushed away from spirituality when they only see one common representation of it. I know I did when I first started delving into my spiritual journey. However, spirituality and spiritual expression are highly unique and individualistic. You can make it your own. So don’t let one depiction of it discourage you from continuing your journey, because I truly believe spirituality is for everybody.

It doesn’t matter what degree of spirituality you’re looking to develop. Whether it be a greater connection to god, deeper connection with your intuition, or discovering and fulfilling your purpose in life; whatever your intentions, it can only benefit you. Because spirituality adds greater depth, clarity, and peace to your life. It helps you uncover more of who you are and what is actually true and right for you; and then gives you the courage to live in alignment with that. So follow your own intuitive guidance, and do what feels best for you. The journey and expression is just different for each person, and that is perfectly okay.

Be YOUnique 😉

Okay guys, don’t cringe, I had to. But really, be your unique and strange self. It is paramount for everyone’s light to shine, because your light is unique. Your light, your joie de vivre, or whatever you want to call it can inspire and impact people in ways nobody else can. This applies to your spirituality too. So I want to make sure you know, it doesn’t have to look any one way. You don’t have to look like that, or act, dress, and speak like that (insert whatever random dis-resonant spiritual expression you’ve encountered here). You can be you, and that is enough.

You don’t have to be what the media tells you to be, to be spiritual. If something doesn’t resonate with you, it may not be true for you, or it may just not be true for you right now. Regardless, you have to honor and trust your intuition; and yours above anyone else’s on this journey. Learn to discover what is true for you. So, even if your reading my content and something doesn’t resonate, drop it. Drop it like its hot. Trust you and your intuitive guidance; take what works and leave the rest behind.

Trusting Intuition

The important thing is to listen to what intuitively feels right and true for you, not what everyone else tells you. Your intuition has to be your spiritual compass and North Star; first, foremost, and always. You can absolutely look for guidance and support from other intuitive souls or spiritual beliefs systems, but it’s up to you to check in and see whether the information you receive actually feels true. This intuitive discernment will develop overtime.

Spirituality and Being Yourself (as cliché as this sounds)

As I have mentioned, a large part of the spiritual journey is about allowing your most authentic self to emerge and come through. This authentic self is aligned with your higher self, and can guide you in the present moment. So let yourself evolve through your own spiritual journey. Let it free and expand you. You are rich, complex, beautiful, and unique. This journey is not about confining you or molding you to someone else’s standards. It’s about embodying and transforming into the real you.; and this is not a stagnant or linear process. It’s not dictated by the rigid opinions or presentations of what spirituality is or should be, and its also not dictated by the personal expectations we place on it. Your journey will evolve and unfold in its own sacred way and rhythm. Try to honor it.

Healthy Spirituality

As long as you are acting from a place of unconditional love and compassion, you are aligned with spirit. My only set rule of guidance: is that a true spiritual journey does not harm, only heal; because it is rooted in unconditional love and compassion for yourself and the world. Spirituality empowers and liberates, it does not shame or shackle. Any illusions of superiority or inferiority, so any less than or better than feeling regarding yourself or others is ego, not spirit. And you are spirit, therefore you are limitless. When you feel your ego fear or limiting false beliefs kick in, realign with spirit by connecting with love.

Ego vs Spirit

The ego is responsible for any feelings lack or isolation. Whereas, spirit knows everything is one and interconnected. So aligning with spirit or the universe (I use these words interchangeably), creates feelings of expansion and unity. The ego creates a separate distinction between you and your environment early on in order to secure and protect you. As a baby, you depended on this distinction to make sure your needs were met and that you survived, and still do. The ego is not bad, it’s the part of us that allows us to adapt and survive in modern society. It’s a necessary and normal part of a human experience. However, this ego separation can easily manifest in unhealthy ways.

Remember, living solely in ego keeps us in survival mode, but connecting with spirit is what allows us to thrive. This is what intuitively aligns with what nourishes and fulfills us on a spiritual level. So it’s important to have a healthy relationship with your ego. Be mindful of how or when it is creating stories that diminish yourself or others. But long story short, you have to make your ego work you and the mission of your soul, not the other way around. When you’re trying to live in alignment with your soul’s purpose, you’ve gotta make sure your intuition is driving in the front seat.

Honor Yourself

You are filled with the same abundance and love that creates and sustains life itself. Shed any disempowering and self limiting beliefs, and release illusions that convinced you you are anything less than a divine and unique manifestation of the universe itself. You are an extension of the universe; and it is an extension and reflection of you.

Your spiritual practice can be as unique and individual as you are. Whatever brings you back to that connection with yourself; and ultimately the energy of deep unconditional love, is your spiritual practice. It doesn’t have to look any one way to be a spiritual practice; just as you don’t have to be any one way to be a spiritual person. It simply is and you simply are, and you can let it develop organically and on your own terms. All you have to do is honor what feels right for you, and trust your intuitive guidance.


So if you’re still wondering how to be spiritual person, the short answer is you are. You just have to allow yourself to be your authentic self and embody your own unique light and truth; whatever that may look like. As cliche as this sounds, the world needs your unique light to shine in order for the collective to heal and grow. You came here with a special purpose. So don’t be afraid to be yourself and live it out; it does the world a service.

Love, Simone.

The Alchemist’s Moon

