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Listen to Your Heart | How to Pursue Your Passion

Listen to Your Heart | How to Pursue Your Passion

Check In.

Passion and joy matter. When I was in college, and at many other points in my life, I kept thinking, “I just don’t like this now because…,” or “I’ll be happy when…,” and would instantly go into the grass is greener mode. Sometimes that’s true, if you’re in a very toxic place in your life, but more often than not, it’s not the case. If it’s internal issues you’re struggling with, these problems come with you. They’re within you, so you’ll continue to face them again and again, until you address them. Take time to confront the subconscious beliefs and wounds that may be driving you.

When you don’t address the internal cause creating the issue, they continue to manifest in different ways with a different face. So I implore to all reading, check in. Check in with yourself in a brutally honest, but compassionate manner. Check in with your intuition every step of the way.

Ask yourself, “Am I happy?” “Do I believe that what I’m working on is truly going to be worth it after all the work is done?” “Is what I’m currently investing my time and energy in adding value, joy, or a sense of fulfillment to my life?” “Does my life and work excite me?”

Follow What Lights You Up

Nothing is ever wasted. If the answer is no, that’s okay. This just means you have a divine opportunity to discover what truly does bring you joy. Now you can begin to change course, and be led toward something greater. But if the answer is truly yes to those questions, thats beautiful. You’re most likely on a path aligned with your purpose in life, and can continue to follow what lights you up and excites you.

Live in Flow

When the answer is yes, you may encounter a lot of synchronicities. You might see repeated numbers, animals, or signs that constantly pop up in your life. Perfect opportunities may frequently appear in perfect divine timing. And it probably feels like things are just flowing, and that you’re in a good place in your life. This is because you’re living in alignment with your higher self and the universe. Your passion may shift and evolve throughout your life, and most likely will. This is natural.

Allow Purpose and Passion to Evolve

Consider if you are being called to a different path or role in life. Sometimes this is indicated when what previously brought you joy and fulfillment no longer does. Purpose can take different forms. The way you lived your purpose ten years ago, might not be the way you feel called to live it now. Maybe you felt called toward activism before, and now feel called towards motherhood. Or, maybe you felt called towards creative expression, and are now drawn to business and management. Or, maybe instead of letting go, you want to blend the two, and synergize both of your passions. Whatever it is, follow it. Listen to where your heart or intuition is guiding you. It’s not a stagnant or linear journey, your purpose shifts and evolves just like you do. You are your purpose. So embrace it by honoring and expressing your unique light. Your purpose isn’t necessarily the task or job you do, but how you do it and the energy you imbue it. Your energy is unique to you. Only you can do it like you, because no one else is you.

Reflect on Lost Passion

Maybe you need to reflect on what exactly has changed along the way, that has caused this part of your life to lose the fulfillment and joy it once brought you. Is it because you’re working too much? Have you lost inspiration? Have you been dealing with family or health issues? Has it lost its spontaneity, and become redundant or habitual? Many factors can influence this, but only you know the answers. Sometimes the answers to these questions are either trying to redirect us toward a different path, or guide us towards creating necessary change in order to breathe life into the path we are already on. This can apply to work, creative projects, relationships, family, or even school; if you’re in college and lost passion for your major.

So check in with your intuition, and ask yourself, “Is this truly right for me?” “Does this fulfill me?” “Is this meaningful to me?” “Are my gifts and talents being utilized here?””Am I having fun?

Follow Your Passion

Fun matters too. Fun, excitement, joy, rejuvenation, and curiosity are some of the natural ways our souls lead us on paths we are meant to follow. We just have to be open to them. Very often people impede themselves from following their own curiosity, because they think it’s not aligned with their path or long term goals; and is therefore a waste of time. However, this isn’t true.

Even if your curiosity or passion project doesn’t become a career, job, or stream of income, this doesn’t mean it has no value or purpose. Things are valuable simply because we give it value. So even if your curiosity simply serves the purpose of adding some joy and excitement to your life, and gets the creative juices flowing, that’s okay too. We can learn, grow, and expand from each experience placed in our life. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, everything Spirit throws at you is happening for you, not to you.

Trust the Universe & Your Intuition

Everything happens for a reason even if we don’t understand it at the moment, and even if we never do. So for those feeling kind of lost on their journey of finding and living their purpose, check in. Check in with your intuition, and feel what your soul is currently drawing you towards.

Where is your intuition trying to lead you? Are you feeling called towards motherhood, or being a stay at home dad? Have you felt extremely called to write? Has a part of you been playing with the idea of opening your own store and starting a business? Whatever it is that calls you, will you allow yourself to be open minded enough to explore that?

Take Risks

Honor your own inner voice and creative impulses, and be courageous. Following this doesn’t necessarily mean quit your job, move to Spain, and get a divorce in two days. It doesn’t have to be that drastic or quick. For some people it is, and that’s okay; and for others it isn’t, and that too is also equally okay. Do what feels and resonates best for you, and follow that. But also don’t let the fear of venturing beyond your comfort zone prevent you from making changes in your life.

Sometimes we need to take risks, and the truth is you can never truly know or control the outcome of a situation. But you can choose to act from a place of love. Make decisions that feel aligned with your highest self and inner truth; even if that looks different from anything you or other people have ever done. It’s okay to let go, and it’s okay to do things differently. Letting go of what no longer serves you, allows you to make space for new opportunities and growth. You’ll never know where your journey will take you. So be open to the flow, and allow yourself to be guided by your intuition. Your intuition will always guide you in the right direction. It’s okay to be scared, but don’t let fear stop you from pursuing your passion and living a life that fulfills you. Be bold, and follow your joy. You’ll know what is right, when the time is right. Trust yourself.

Love, Simone.

The Alchemist’s Moon
