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Living a Life You Love | 8 Powerful Tips to Start

Living a Life You Love | 5 Tips to Start

Chances are, you can do what you’ve always wanted to do with your life, right now. It may not be exactly how you imagined, but in some capacity you can start living a life you love today. Or at least start taking active steps towards creating it. Here are 5 simple but powerful tips to guide you how…

1. Just Do It

If you’re reading this article, chances are you have something specific in mind you want for your life. Maybe it’s to have a family, be a musician, or travel the world. Whatever it is, just do it, or at least plant the seeds. Start aligning your life to support the dream you want to manifest. For instance, if you want to be a musician, start making music. If you want to have a family, start creating space and an environment for a family to live in. Take active steps towards your dream, or start doing it now.

There’s always a way to make it happen, even if the way isn’t exactly how you anticipated. If you’ve always wanted to travel, think about how can you travel now. Even if it’s close by, just start doing it. Start traveling and stirring up that sense of adventure, expansion, and inspiration you would feel if you were traveling the way you imagined. Travel to a different city you’ve never been to, or take a day trip out of state. If you can, buy a ticket for that epic adventure you’ve always dreamed of. Don’t wait to be happy. Don’t wait to live a life you love. And don’t wait to create a life you’re passionate about. Take action now. Power lies in the present.

2. Choose to be Happy Now

I know, I know, you didn’t think about that right. “Be happy now,” so easy. Alright, I won’t lie, this one can be challenging at first; especially when our brains are so used to focusing on everything that’s going “wrong.” But, it does get easier over time, and it is both possible and important. Your life is happening right now. Don’t fall into the trap of telling yourself you’ll be happy when…(insert the end to whatever problem you currently have). Yes, removing certain struggles and challenges in your life might make things easier or less stressful, but very often the end to one problem isn’t the end all be all solution to all our misery and stress.

Choose to live your passion in spite of the obstacles, and choose to experience joy amidst the difficulties; because there’s almost always something that could get in the way. It may not always feel like a “good” time, but you have to make time for what you love. And that’s the truth. If you want to live a life you love, you have to prioritize your peace, happiness, and joy. Integrate what you love into your daily life, and make it work. Because your happiness matters.

3. Stop Placing Happiness Outside of You

Living a life you love is a choice. The people that are happiest, aren’t happy because they have no problems, it’s because they chose to be happy in spite of them. Very often, there’s something that presents a challenge that we perceive as the problem impeding our ability to experience happiness. But the truth is the only thing getting in the way of your happiness is your belief that it exists somewhere else outside of you, or in the future. Whether it be in the arms of a lover you haven’t met, a promotion you want, or a bigger home and new car; stop anchoring your happiness in things beyond you. These things are nice and open us up to new experiences and opportunities we may not have had, but the ability to be happy and feel joy in your life resides within you, always.

Nothing gives you happiness, it’s part of you. It lives within you, waiting to be integrated and expressed; you feel it. And since you feel it, it’s something you can always tap into in more ways than you think. However, if you’re struggling with mental health issues and find this challenging, don’t hesitate to seek the professional help you need. You deserve to experience happiness too, and it is possible.

4. Feel How You Want to Feel in Your Dream Reality

Very often what we really want isn’t the specific material thing were dreaming of. It’s the feeling we’ve attached to it that we believe it will give us. So if you want to travel, maybe you crave freedom, expansion, knowledge, variety, and inspiration. If you want a lover, maybe what you truly want is unconditional love and acceptance, or to be seen, valued, and cared about. And in a new promotion, maybe you just want to feel recognized, valued, validated, empowered, confident, or limitless. But whatever the feeling is, you can feel it now. And the more you tune in the frequency and feeling of what you want, and how you would feel if you had it; the faster it manifests into your physical reality. That, or something better.

5. Get Creative

Think of one way you can live your dream reality today; even if you it doesn’t entirely align with the exact vision you have. There are opportunities to live your dream life all around you. You just have to get creative. It’s important to act on ways you can live your dream life now. The point of joy lies in the present. Further, the more you tap into the frequency of what you want, the faster you manifest it into your physical reality.

We attract what we feel, and we act in alignment with our thoughts and beliefs. The more we feel something, the more we attract experiences that recreate those same emotions. So find creative ways to do what you want now. Acting on them helps you feel the feelings you would feel if you were doing the exact thing you wanted. This not only makes life more fun, fulfilling, and empowering; but also helps energetically attract what you truly desire into your physical reality. So get creative about ways you can live your dream life today, then do it.

6. Build Your Empire, One Day At a Time

Rome wasn’t built in a day. You don’t have to make a thousand sweeping life changes in one day. You can start living a life you love one change at a time, brick by brick. Oftentimes, it’s not the sweeping changes that get us to where we want to go; it’s the accumulation of small pivots that we make through our everyday actions. So if living the life you love means being an artist, start making art regularly. Be the artist you’ve always dreamed of being. Do it for yourself, and then take steps toward sharing it with the world. Start taking actions that help you embody the person you want to be and live a life you love.

If you want to be that girl, start being that girl. What does she look like in your mind? Then start embodying her. Envision yourself living a life you love, and start creating that life one step at a time. Move towards it day by day. It’s the little things that count, and the actions and choices you make on a daily basis are the exact ones that will push your further into alignment with your dream reality or away from it. So take stock of your life, and honestly ask yourself,

Do the choices and actions I make on a regular basis align me with the life I desire? Or, are they limiting me, and keeping me in a reality I don't want? 

If it’s the latter, change it. I talk about this in my previous post, where I discuss the extreme significance of taking aligned action to manifest the life you desire. Click here for more info. Regardless, step by step, remove and shift what needs to be shifted. Gradually align your life with a life you love. This might be uncomfortable at first, but overtime your life will start to look more like you, and like the life you’ve always dreamed of.

But First!

Check in to see if whether the life you think you desire is actually one you want, or one you’ve been told to want. True contentment happens when your external reality is a physical match for the authentic truth of who you are. That’s when you feel in alignment and at peace. The life you love is just an external expression and reflection of your most authentic self. So make sure you’re creating one that actually feels authentic and fulfilling for you.

7. Don’t Wait to Live a Life You Love

No matter what it is, whether it be starting a business, or trying a different meal on every continent; whatever it is, don’t wait. Even if you can’t fully create the entirety of your vision right now, take action towards making it, or a part of it, a reality today. Too often people wait to live their life the way they want until it’s almost over. They stifle their desires, and who they truly are for decades. You only have one life in this body, at this time, with these exact people. Make the most of it. Be radically honest with yourself about who you are, what you want, and what you need to live a happy and fulfilling life that is joyful and meaningful for you, and go for it.

8. Do What Feels Right For You

Don’t waste your time fixated on the past, and what didn’t go right or what could go wrong in the future. When you fixate on every moment except the one you’re in, you miss the beauty in the present moment. So stop stripping yourself of the joy and experiences your soul came here wanting to experience. Be bold, be loving, and do what feels most true and authentic for you. Don’t waste your time living someone else’s life; living a reality that feels like it was never meant for you, because maybe it wasn’t. Do you boo.

Not everyone is created to live the same path, and that doesn’t make any person’s path less authentic or valid. What makes an amazing life is specific to each individual. So be bold, and discover and honor what that looks like for you, then pursue it. Take pleasure in the small moments and the beauty within your daily reality, because life isn’t comprised of just the big earth shattering moments. It’s made mostly of the mini ones, and the more meaning and joy we can imbue into it, the more pleasure we receive in our daily waking moments. So if you take anything away from this post, remember this…

Living a Life You Love Quickie To-Go Notes

  • Don’t wait to be happy, you can always choose to feel happiness now.
  • Find ways to make the current moment more meaningful and fulfilling. 
  • Take daily action towards manifesting your dreams. It is possible, and your true dreams were given to you for a reason.
  • Find things to love and appreciate about your life now, no matter what. Gratitude is the right attitude. 😉
  • Don’t waste time worrying about things you can’t control.
  • Don’t waste time fixating on the past or the future. Be present, and embrace life now.

Remember peeps, the power lies in the present. Your true power lies in the choices you make, and in how you choose to respond to the present moment. You have the power to live the life you love now, or at least to plant the seeds to create it. So what do you choose?

The Alchemist’s Moon

