Fortune favors the bold.
To some extent, I believe this quote to be true. However, I feel this is the most applicable when it comes to truly living your best life. I’ve come to learn that fearlessness isn’t necessary; but only the willingness to experience fear, and the courage to move beyond it. Living your best life takes courage; because it requires you actively live aligned with your truth, regardless of any fears or external feedback. It requires you to live authentically, without holding back. This not only takes vulnerability, faith, and determination, but also a willingness to fail. It takes risk.
Many people avoid risk out of fear of disappointment, or feelings of unworthiness. However, I believe that a willingness to risk is a necessary component to not only live your best life, but also live up to your full potential. You need to be willing to be seen, and pursue what you love, regardless of any lingering fears of rejection or self doubt. So if you’re ready to move beyond fear, and truly start living your best life; here are 10 powerful tips I used to help you get there.
1. Envision Your Best Life
- What does your most ideal and fulfilling life look like to you?
- Who or what’s in it?
- How does it feel?
- What are you doing?
These are extremely important questions to ask yourself when you start cultivating a life you love. You need to know what that life is, or at least have a relatively good idea. It doesn’t need to be super specific. Don’t stress yourself out about it. Just let it flow, and have fun. Have an overall idea of what your best life looks like for you, without filtering it through a lens of what you think is possible. Let yourself vividly daydream about what you want, and be honest.
- Is your ideal life filled with plenty of time spent with family or close friends?
- Is it filled with plenty of travel and adventure?
- Or is it focused on a really fulfilling career that you’re head over heels for?
Whatever it is, honor it. Don’t judge it, shame it, or dismiss it. You have the dreams you do for a reason. So whatever vision arises, that excites you, or fills you with a sense of peace or expansion, trust it. Spend some time mentally mapping out what you believe would be the best life for you, and get excited.
2. Write it Down
Once you envision what your best life looks like, write it down. This is one of the first step towards making it manifest into physical reality. Write it down on paper, and if you want to, speak it out. You can even create a vision board to help with this as well. This helps you keep a tangible expression of the life you’re moving towards. Use these as daily reminders of what you’re creating in your life, and make sure you take regular action towards making it manifest. If your current actions aren’t in alignment with your vision, work to shift those.
3. Take Aligned Action
In order to start living your best life, you have to start taking actions aligned with it. The actions will vary from person to person, dependent on what your idea of your best life is. So make it individual for you. If your best life includes having a family, start working on creating the family you want. If you want to travel, start traveling. Even if it’s a small day trip to the beach, do it with a full sense of excitement and adventure. Take consistent actions that align you with your vision. This helps create the momentum you need to get there. You don’t have to have everything together to start taking action towards living your best life. Start where you’re at, and move from there.
4. Release Self-Limiting Habits
If the actions you’re currently taking aren’t in alignment with the life you want, then stop doing them. It may take some time if they’re habitual, but with consistent effort you can overcome them. You are not stuck in one way of being, and neither is your life. If you don’t like something about your life, then change it. You have the power to change your state, and your life, at any point. You are more powerful than you think; don’t let your thoughts or fears convince you otherwise.
It’s not too late to make the changes you want to see in your life. Recognizing this is important, because believing in an inability to change is one of the most self-limiting mindsets you can have. I know, because it used to be mine.
The problem with this is that it prevents you from growing, and seeing that you’re capable of more. However, this mindset is often rooted in fears of: unworthiness, not being enough, or being disappointed. It forces you to settle for the life you have, regardless of the quality, rather than allow you to reach for the one you want. It leaves no room for growth or expansion. But the truth is people are meant to change, and so is life. Change is one of life’s most eternal constant’s, it’s natural. Mindsets that prevent it, aren’t. Allow yourself to release mindsets like this that may be inhibiting your ability to grow, and create a life you love.
5. Don’t Wait
Don’t wait to “have everything together,” to start living your best life. No one has everything together. If everyone waited until things were perfect to start living a life they love, no one would be. Perfection is an illusion, and is highly subjective depending on who you ask. You don’t have to be perfect, to be worthy of pursuing what you want in life. You are enough as you are. Allow yourself to reach for what you truly want now. You’re worthy of it.
6. Embody the Energy You Want to Attract
Energy is everything, so the actions you take, and the energy you embody while taking them, is what helps you create the life you truly want to live. Overtime, it just becomes natural; because this new state of being becomes who you are. The more you embody the version of you you want to be, the more you become that person.
So for instance,
- If you wanted to start a family, you would embody the energy you’d have with your family, before they came.
- Start caring for yourself the way you would your ideal partner, and or kids. Start feeling those loving nurturing emotions even if it’s just directed towards yourself, or a pet.
Through the law of attraction, this not only draws your energy’s physical equivalent your way; but also prepares you, and your life, for when the manifestation arises. Act in alignment with your best life, and embody the energy you want to feel now.
7. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
Creating a new life, requires a new way of being. Do things that push you beyond what you would typically do. Get creative, and have fun. Do fun and exciting things that expand you. If you’re trying something you’ve wanted to do, but feel a little uncomfortable doing so, good. This means you’re expanding. Meet new people, try new things. Do more of the things that your best self would do, living your best life.
- Where would you go?
- What types of things would you do?
- How would you dress?
- And who would you talk to?
Start doing those things now, bit by bit. Even if it scares you a little. Maybe it’s just reaching out to that person you’ve always wanted to talk to. Put yourself out there, and go all in to living your best life. Give it your all. This is how you grow beyond your current comfort zone, and create new ones that align you with the life you want to live. This is how you start living your best life.
8. Go All In
Although aligned action is extremely significant, taking those actions fully engaged is just as important. Go all in for life. And when I say go all in, I mean go all in. Live it, breathe it, and embody it with all of your heart. Give living your dream life your all, and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Invest. You’ll never truly know if you love something until you give it a try; but not a half hearted try, a real one.
Live from the heart. Allow yourself to live, be seen, and be vulnerable. Feel hope and excitement, without numbing yourself out of fear of getting hurt. I believe this can show up in a lot of ways, but primarily in career and relationships. So allow yourself feel the depth of your emotions. This is how you truly feel and connect. Stop playing small, because you’re afraid to risk disappointment after reaching for more. Although, this is a way to avoid some potential pain, it’s never a guarantee, and not a way to live a fulfilling life.
9. Commit
Last, but not least, is commitment. Commit to living your best life. Commit to feeling like your best self. And commit to doing what you need to do, to fill you with joy and fulfillment on a regular basis. Commitment and consistency are key.
10. Be Open to Change
Sometimes starting to live your best life only requires a few tweaks or changes, and other times it requires a total demolition. As intimidating as the latter may be, this is okay too. Honestly, this can be one of the most freeing experiences; because it enables you to start fresh, and build your best life from the ground up. It’s okay to start over, and it’s okay to try new things. This is true even if it seems strange and foreign to you.
New things only seem foreign to the version of yourself that you’re outgrowing. However, the part of you that’s been ready and waiting for something more, will feel excited and right at home. This is typically when that scared, but excited feeling comes in. That’s you pushing past old resistances, and stepping into a new way of being more aligned with your best life.
I am in no way saying that starting to live your best life is easy. The initial stages take courage, and often feel uncomfortable as you move beyond old ways of being. However, I am saying it may be worth it. Because regardless of whether the result matches your desired expectation or not, you still allowed yourself to live, and gave life your all.
You won’t go throughout life wondering what could have been, because you’ll know. Sometimes the universe has better plans for us, than the ones we create for ourselves. However, when you choose to live a life you love, and live with an open heart and mind, you will always be led. Don’t give up on living your best life. You’re not an exception, living a fulfilling life is possible for you too. Use the tips above to help guide you as you begin your journey of living it. You’ve got this.
If your life was a movie would you love it so much you’d watch it repeatedly? If not, what can you do now to change your answer to a yes?
Love, Simone