Living in alignment with your soul means living in alignment with your authentic self. It means living a life aligned with your purpose, joy, and intuition; all of which lead you further into alignment with your soul. Your dreams are your destiny. They are directions guiding you towards your purpose, if you choose to pursue it. And I believe, that your purpose isn’t necessarily something you do, but more so someone you become. The things you do that help you embody your authentic self, are just avenues to express it. So the way to live in alignment with your soul, is really just to live in alignment with yourself and with your heart. However, that can be challenging at first when you’ve forgotten how. So here are six helpful tips to help you live an aligned life.
1. Be Your Authentic Self
Be yourself. Simple advice, that is incredibly powerful when embodied. You know who you truly are, and you know who you came here to be. Even if your past, your fears, or your insecurities have convinced you otherwise. You know your truth, you just forgot. This is often the result of some level of external conditioning, which is common; but you don’t have to continue to be someone you’re not, just because you were taught to be. The truth is, you’re a bad ass. No one has the same exact combination of: gifts, talents, strengths, experiences, wisdom, or wounds that you do. You are unique, and that is beautiful.
You don’t have to pretend to be someone else, because it makes other people uncomfortable. Hell, after years of being what other people wanted you to be, it might make you uncomfortable. And that’s okay too! Sometimes growth is uncomfortable at first. Do it anyway. You’re enough as you are, who you are. But you’re also allowed to grow into yourself, when you’re ready. Once you know your truth, the only one stopping you from living it is you. So if you want to live in alignment with your soul, do it. Discover who you are really, and be that person. Let go of the identities that aren’t really you, and that don’t serve you.
2. Listen to Your Intuition
Trust the niggle. Your intuition is always guiding you, and is always speaking to you. You just have to learn how to listen, and how it communicates. An easy intuition tip is to just pay attention to what you’re naturally drawn towards. You’re drawn to things for a reason. And you’re also drawn towards specific things at specific points in time, for a reason as well. Lean into it, and explore. Your soul knows what you need, when you need it, and why. Your soul came here planning to learn, experience, and express specific things before it incarnated. Trust that your intuition is leading you to these exact things in perfect time.
Know Your Intuition
Your intuitive guidance comes from your higher self and the divine. So in order to live in alignment with your soul, you need to learn to live in alignment with your intuition. This is one of the most powerful things you can do on your spiritual journey, because it gives you perfectly aligned daily guidance. Living by it, essentially paves a direct path towards living a fulfilling and aligned life that’s perfect for you. So if you take anything, please reconnect with your intuition, and trust to live in alignment with yours. It will always steer you right, even if it doesn’t make sense to you in the moment. So take the time to learn your intuitive gifts, and how it speaks to you best. This will help fast track you to living your soul’s purpose.
3. Live Your Purpose
Your purpose isn’t something you do, it’s who you are. You live your purpose by being as authentically you as you can be. The more you embrace your truest self, the more you attract more situations that allow you to express more of who you came to be. It’s the essence you bring to the things you do, and the message your life and your energy came to share. When you follow and embody these things, you feel at peace; because your soul knows you’re embodying the energies you came to express. So there are several ways you can live your purpose, but regardless of the way in which you carry it out, the key is to do it authentically. Be as authentically you as possible, and let your intuition lead the way.
Do What Feels Good
It feels good to live your purpose, because it’s just expressing who you are, and who you came here to be. It’s natural, and it just feels right. Deep down you know; this is who I came here to be, and this is what I came here to do. Even when a situation isn’t entirely in alignment, part of it will feel right and rejuvenating. And you’ll probably notice that when you’ve done similar things in the past, and had that same good feeling. You just feel lit up, and energized. Even when you’re tired, you could probably still generate energy to do it. It just gives you life, and makes you feel alive! And when you know, you know. When you’re doing what your soul came here to do you feel excited for life, not depleted by it. You feel happy, and things tend to just flow.
4. Go With the Flow (Your Flow)
This is how you know you’re living in alignment with your soul. When you are in flow life feels smooth. It feels like you’re moving with the current, rather than against it. Against it, means resistance. Flow feels exciting, and it feels good. It feels like things are working out for you, and that good things are happening for you more and more; and it may happen pretty fast. This is because your in alignment with your soul. Sahara Rose, author of the book Discover Your Dharma: A Vedic Guide to Finding Your Purpose, calls this experience kriya. Overall, when you live in alignment with the will of the Universe, and the purpose it has for you, things just flow.
This isn’t to say that there aren’t challenges or obstacles along the way to push you to grow, but overall life just feels better and things just feel right. You feel more at peace with your life, because you know you’re aligned with who you’re meant to be. You feel at peace, because your life becomes an external expression of your internal truth. This is what happens when you live in alignment with your soul, and when you follow your joy. This is flow. And you can tell, because you’ll feel good, at peace, and just overall lit up by life.
5. Discern Between Flow & Resistance
Recognizing the difference between the feeling of flow and resistance, will be one of the most instrumental tools to both staying in, and getting back into alignment. Resistance feels like you’re swimming upstream, against the current. A lot of energy goes in, and little fulfillment comes out. This means for means that somethings out of alignment with your soul. It may be the situation, or the way you’re moving through it, but something’s off.
When you’re in resistance, you typically feel frustrated, exhausted, depleted, unfulfilled, and typically encounter a lot of obstacles. You probably don’t even feel like yourself. This often happens when you’re trying to force your will and desires, over the will and desire of the Universe. If this happens, you’re probably living your life from a place of fear, or some limiting belief. So try to identify what in your life is making you feel this way, and what limiting beliefs may be contributing to it.
- How do you want to experience this area of your life?
- Is there another way you could go about making that happen, versus the way you think you have to?
- What do you think you have to do or that has to be this way, that is actually making you miserable? I’d start there.
6. Be Aware of the Should’s
Many people live lifestyles they believe they should live, rather than the one they actually want. The “should’s” typically come from early conditioning, which isn’t always bad. However, this can often drive our behavior more than our authentic desires do. And your authentic desires are there to guide towards what your soul wants to experience in this life. Your “should’s” might be keeping you in resistance, and out of alignment with your soul.
They can show up in a lot of ways. However, they often show up as things that “should” fulfill you, that actually don’t. For example,
- Maybe you’ve been taught being a mother is the most fulfilling thing a woman can do, when in reality you have no desire to have children.
- Or, maybe you’ve been taught that a fulfilling career is a stable office job where you work 9-5; but what you truly want, is to own a farm and sell organic produce at a local farmer’s market.
Random examples, but you get the picture.
This is why a lot of people stay out of alignment. And I find, that it typically happens when you’re trying to live someone else’s life. Stop trying to live up to someone else’s standards of what a fulfilling life should be. When you’re trying to live an authentic and aligned life, you have to accept that someone else’s perfect, may not be your perfect. That doesn’t make either person’s path any less valid. Every person has their own path and purpose that is right for them, it may not be the one that is right for you. That’s okay. Honor your own desires, and take the path that feels most true for you.
Living in alignment with your soul is really just living in alignment with yourself. Be yourself, and let your joy and intuition lead the way. Don’t let fear stop you from living the life you want to live. Fear is there to keep you safe from what your ego doesn’t know, but that doesn’t allow you to grow beyond what you’ve experienced. If what you’re experiencing doesn’t feel right, allow yourself to grow. It can be uncomfortable at first, because we risk facing the the unknown. But trust that if the growth is guided by your intuition, it will never steer you wrong. So just do what feels good, and enjoy the journey. And if you hate the journey, try something new because you’re probably out of alignment. Assess what doesn’t feel right, and think of creative ways to live a life that feels true to who you really are. You’ve got this. Be bold.
Love, Simone.
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