High vibe state, equals a high vibe life. You attract what you are. So when you move from a place of a higher frequency, you attract that same energy back to you. You are magnetic. You have a powerful innate ability to attract and repel things into, and out of, your physical reality. This happens naturally as a result of the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs you hold on a regular basis. According to the law of attraction, your thoughts and feelings manifest your physical reality. Therefore, what you focus on you manifests. Due to this, it’s extremely important to be mindful of your own vibration, and to make sure it aligns with the life you want to manifest. If you’ve struggled with this in the past like I have, here are 12 powerful tips to help you shift your vibration into a higher state of being, and keep it high.
1. Think Positively
Your thoughts create your reality. Obviously, not every thought you have manifests, but overtime the thoughts you think on a regular basis become the beliefs you hold. Your beliefs not only alter your perception of the world, but affect how you move through it as well. Positive thinking allows you to enter a high vibe state, and reprogram negative thoughts and limiting thinking with newer expansive ones. Positive thoughts allow you to grow into who you feel called to be, rather than the person you were conditioned to be. Use your thoughts to work for you, rather than against you to help you live a higher vibrational life.
2. Use Affirmations
Affirmations are great tools to help you take control of your conscious thoughts, and to reprogram self limiting beliefs. Use them daily to help you align with a higher vibrational state. As mentioned earlier, your regular thoughts inevitably become your subconscious beliefs. So choosing them consciously by replacing negative ones with positive ones, is key maintaining a higher vibration. Affirmations can be extremely powerful when used consistently with feeling and repetition. So choose affirmations that make you feel empowered, joyful, and confident. Repeat affirmations that align you with the life you want to create, and use them daily until they become your new beliefs.
3. Use Incantations
World renowned motivational speaker, Tony Robbins, suggests positive incantations as a powerful and transformative technique for embodying new empowering beliefs. Incantations are similar to affirmations, but are said out loud, with movement, and passion. These are like affirmations, but way more powerful.
I find the best way to use them is to look yourself in the mirror, and to get some fun body movements in there; maybe a jump, skip, or a high five, whatever floats your boat. Repeat the new beliefs you want to reprogram into your subconscious mind, and say it with feeling. Do this repeatedly, and you will see a difference. This can feel really uncomfortable at first if you’re not used to it, like I was; but overtime it feels less strange and way more empowering. And honestly, the impact of this practice alone makes it more than worth initial discomfort. Incantations are an amazing way to reprogram your mind and personality to align with high vibe thoughts; and can definitely transform your life when used consistently.
4. Change Your Story
Change your story, change your life.
Tony Robbins
Everybody has a story they tell themselves; whether they’re conscious of it, or not. The story you hold about your life and yourself, dictates how you experience it. So when you replay the same old narrative from 20 years ago, you limit yourself to only playing that same role; but you have the power to change it. People evolve, and so should their stories. If you’re not happy with who you are in your life, change the story keeping you there.
Who are you in your own personal narrative?
- Are you a victim of life?
- Or are you an empowered co-creator of it?
- And who do you want to be?
How would your life change if you rewrote it, and chose to believe in a new empowering one?
Nothing defines you, or your life, besides you. Your story is yours to own, change, or release at any point amongst your journey. If it doesn’t serve you, you have the power to release it. You are worthy of living a life beyond your wildest dreams, but you need to have a story that enables you to live it.
So based on your current reality,
- What has your story been?
- What is it now?
- Is it empowering, or does it limit you from living the life you actually want?
If it doesn’t empower you, rewrite your story. Change the narrative, and embody the one that aligns you with the life you want to live. Only you can change your story, and there is power in that. Make sure your story raises your vibration, rather than lowers it.
5. Have a Growth Mindset
Every moment is an opportunity for growth. Maintaining a mindset that focuses on opportunity, rather than limitation, is key to maintaining a higher vibe state even when you encounter obstacles. A growth mindset focuses on how you can grow from failure and adversity, rather than be limited by it. Having this mindset is powerful, because it enables you to see failure as a stepping stone to success, rather than a final destination. Adopt a growth mindset to help you stay in a higher vibrational state even when you meet temporary setbacks. When it comes to maintaining a higher vibe, being able to see the silver lining during challenging times enables you keep a positive outlook, rather than a discouraged one. It provides a different perspective that transmutes challenges into new opportunities for greater strength and empowerment.
6. Be Optimistic
Be optimistic. I know this can seem easier said than done, especially if you’re used to being pessimistic. However, optimism is what shifts your focus from cup half empty, to cup half full. Optimism and faith are two important keys for maintaining a higher vibration. Similar to a growth mindset, this also enables you to see obstacles as opportunities; but more than that, it gives you the hope you need to take chances to pursue the things you want.
Most times, people don’t bother pursuing what they don’t believe will work out; because no one likes to be disappointed or upset. Meanwhile, those who are optimistic allow themselves to pursue their desires by choosing to believe, and focus on, the possibility of things working out for the best.
Pessimism not only lowers your vibration, but also takes you out of the game before you even give yourself the chance. Optimism allows you to try, and opens a path for success. Optimism is the door that enables you to step into a more hopeful, and expansive way of living.
You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
Wayne Gretzky
7. Practice Gratitude
Gratitude is one of the highest frequency feelings you can align with. When you vibrate at the frequency of gratitude, you vibrate at the frequency of abundance. Align yourself with the vibration of gratitude; not only does this attract and manifest more to be grateful for, but it also just feels good. When you’re truly grateful for what you have, you stop focusing on what you lack. It reminds you of all of the beauty and abundance that you already have, and replaces feelings of lack with a sense of peace and positivity. A daily gratitude practice is an amazing way to shift your vibration to a higher state of being, and to maintain that shift overtime. Start and end your day with gratitude, and watch the beautiful ways it changes your life.
8. Give
When you think you have nothing left to offer, give. Give from your heart. Give when you think you can’t; and give abundantly. It doesn’t have to be money. Money isn’t the only form of abundance. If you don’t have money, give love. Give what you can. Give people your presence, and your compassion. Everyone has an abundance of love to offer. You don’t run out of love, because it’s limitless; the best things in life always are.
Do a random act of kindness for a stranger, or someone you know. This not only makes you feel amazing, but it makes others feel amazing too. And what you put out always comes back to you, because you attract what you are. When you are love, you attract love. And love, is the highest vibration you can live at. Also, remember to give the love you wish to receive to yourself, and radiate that outwards. Everything starts with you. So if you want to truly give love and receive it, you have to give it to yourself first.
9. Live Your Purpose
Everyone has something special and beautiful to offer the world, so share it. Sharing your gifts and your authentic presence is not only a gift to you, because it allows you to embody and express your purpose, but it’s also a gift to the world. When people live their purpose, they shine and uplift the world. This not only fulfills you, but also enables you to give back in the ways you can best. Living your purpose is very often tied to living your dream. So allow yourself to follow what feels good, and do what you know you came here to do. Live your purpose so you can live at your highest vibration, and inspire the world to do the same.
10. Surround Yourself with Positive People
When it comes to maintaining a high vibration, it’s really helpful to surround yourself with people that support it. Surround yourself with high vibe people that inspire and uplift you. And connect with others that support your goals, and can celebrate your wins and achievements with you. This is so important for staying on track with your vision, especially when you’re manifesting a new life for yourself.
If you don’t feel like you have this support system in place, create it. Become the person you want to attract. Be the light and beacon of positivity you wish you saw in the world, and you will magnetize that same energy back to you. Be that high vibe person for other people. The more you embody this energy, the more you attract it to you. So don’t be surprised if you attract new positive relationships into your life.
Relationship Changes
Also, when you change, your relationships change. This doesn’t mean they all end, or that a thousand new ones begin; but they will shift, in one way, or another. This isn’t bad, this is natural. Very often when people have large vibrational shifts, their relationships do also.
You attract what you are. So when your vibration changes, the relationships in your life are forced to as well. And as high vibe ones flow in, low vibe ones may flow out. Sometimes they adapt, but some don’t. These are the relationships that are typically held together by fear, rather than love. Let them flow. Don’t resist what’s ready to change; and don’t try to force people to bend to your will either. Just be love, and give love.
You can’t force people to change in the ways you want them to. People grow at their own rate, in their own time. So if a relationship isn’t aligned with you at that point in time, that’s okay. It’s okay to let go. Just listen to your intuition, and let it lead the way.
11. Consume High Vibe Media
Consume media aligned with the vibration you want to call in. So if you want to maintain a high vibe state, stop consuming low vibe shit. Stop constantly giving your energy away to media that promotes fear, scarcity, or abuse. You may do this through the shows you watch, the music you listen to, or even social media. Really pay attention to what you’re consuming and listen to the message that’s coming through.
- Does it make you feel empowered or disempowered?
- After listening, do you feel great? Or do you feel like crap?
Obviously, this doesn’t mean you can never watch a horror movie, Scandal episode, or listen to your favorite songs; but be mindful of the messages you consume on a regular basis. Try replacing your weekly tv binge with a few uplifting podcasts. Or, listen to a personal playlist that gets you really inspired and motivated. Make sure the media you consume on a regular basis makes you feel good; and if you have to consume things that don’t make you feel good, set boundaries around it. For example, only give yourself a certain amount of time to watch the news. Although, it’s important to stay informed on current affairs, it’s also important to do so with healthy boundaries in place. Make your media usage adds to you high vibrational state, and doesn’t deplete it.
12. Meditate
Meditation allows you to clear out the mental clutter, and come back to your inner knowing within. When you meditate, you allow yourself to connect to the deepest parts of yourself that directly align with the Universe itself. Sitting meditation, or a walking meditation out in nature, can be a great way to ground yourself in higher vibration of peace and clarity. This will almost alway leave you in a higher vibrational state, than the one you started with. Having a daily spiritual practice like meditation or prayer can be extremely nourishing and transformative for your life; and is an incredible way to raise your vibration.
You’re a spiritual being, having a human experience. You came here to experience a full range of emotions, not just a select few. However, life is meant to be enjoyed, lived, and loved to the best of your ability. And although it comes with its highs and lows, the lows do not have to define you, or your life. You get to choose how you define yourself, and you get to decide how you want to experience your life. Remember, your internal state creates your external reality. So if your external reality isn’t aligned with the life you want, something internal needs to change too. These tools are not here to promise you a perpetual state of happiness, but are there to help guide you back to it when you’ve forgotten how. These 12 practices have been absolutely transformational on my journey back to happiness, and I hope they can bring similar results, if not better ones, for you too. If you want a high vibe life, start with a high vibe state of mind. You’ve got this.
Love, Simone.
![The Alchemist’s Moon](https://thealchemistsmoon.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/The-Alchemists-Moon-20.png)
3 years agoYour blog rocks. Thank you for this very insightful post!
Simone Patricia
3 years ago AUTHORAww, thank you love! That means the world. I’m so glad you found it helpful and insightful, thank you for sharing that with me. I wish you the absolute best! 💛