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How to Get Your Manifestation to Work | 14 Tips!

How to Get Your Manifestation to Work

Sometimes when we’re beginning our manifestation process, or our journey with the law of attraction, we initially struggle to see things manifest. This can be frustrating, and may cause you to question,

  • Does this even work?
  • Is this real?
  • Can I actually manifest my desires through the law of attraction?

Well, the answer is yes. Manifestation is a skill that you can learn, practice, and develop just like any other skill. And I truly believe that every successful person has in some way utilized the law of attraction to help manifest their physical success. The truth is you are constantly manifesting. Everyday you are manifesting something into your reality, whether you know it, or not. It’s not a matter of if you manifest, but what.

Why Isn’t Your Manifestation Working?

There are several reasons your manifestation may not be working. Some main reasons include: inconsistency, confusion, self sabotage due to self limiting beliefs, impatience, and being vibrationally unaligned. Most of the time, people manifest from a subconscious place. This is why it’s so important to do the inner work, like shadow work, to make sure the things lingering in our subconscious minds aren’t working against our conscious desires.

You have to consciously choose to replace limiting ways of thinking, with expansive and empowering ones. However, if you are currently struggling to see your manifestations come to fruition, which is probably why you’re reading this post; here are several tips to help you see it through.

1. Reclaim Your Power

More often than not, the biggest block to you living the life you want is you. A lot of people get in their own way by giving into self limiting beliefs and habits. But you have more power than you think, and you get to reclaim the power you give away. People give their power away all the time without recognizing it. Some do it through: food, sex, poor boundaries, addictions, or disempowering narratives and beliefs. But every moment you get the chance to choose who you want to be, and how you want to feel. Identify the ways you limit yourself, and take accountability. Take your power back, and decide the life you’re going to live.

2. Know You’re Worthy

Know that you’re worthy of what you desire. Sometimes poor conditioning or childhood trauma can cause us to forget this. And when we don’t know we’re worthy of what we want, we don’t allow ourselves to receive it; or even pursue it in some cases. However, your past doesn’t have to dictate your present. You’re allowed to let go, heal, and move forward. And you’re also allowed to live the life you want to live. Give yourself permission, and realize you’re worthy of it. You are enough, your dreams are important, and you are worthy of what you desire.

3. Decide

Decide what it is that you truly want, and stick with it. Give your energy clear direction and focus; this communicates to the universe that this is what you want, this or better. If you want more than just one thing, that’s great. But stick with one or two focuses at a time. This will help ground and focus your energy towards growing one thing in a big way; rather than scatter your energy, and grow a lot of little things at once. Try to direct your energy towards one of two main priorities at a time, and give it your all.

  • How does the version of you that already has this show up in the world or to this goal?

Start acting like them.

Give your energy and subconscious mind a clear focus and direction to flow in. Kathrin Zenkina, creator of Manifestation Babe, says

Once you figure out a direction, your subconscious has no choice but to get you there. It works around the clock like a machine. It has its own GPS that’s activated through your desire & goal setting.

Kathrin Zenkina

Know what you want, and why. Give yourself a clear direction. Don’t think about the how yet. Thinking about the how first, can discourage you from fully embracing what you want. This is typically what happens if your mind can’t see how it’s possible. So just focus on what you truly want, and make the decision that you’ll commit to achieving it. The how will come after you decide, and start taking action towards your goal. 

4. Prioritize

Get clear on what you want, and what’s truly important to you. Yes, if your intuition guides you to shift, then shift. Especially, if you recognize that you don’t truly want what you’re manifesting. But if this isn’t the case, hold the course. Prioritize what you truly desire most, and focus your energy on building that. Don’t get overwhelmed by the how’s, there are plenty of ways to make things happen. Just focus on what you want first, and the best course of actions that arise.

Allow yourself to be intuitively led to the best course of action, and focus on that. Focusing on too many methods of manifesting your goal, can distract you, and slow down your progress. When you scatter your energy, instead of direct it, a lot of little things get done without making any real traction. Exerting your energy on too many things will exhaust you; and frustrate you, by not yielding the results you want. So take the time to prioritize, and direct your energy there.

5. Have Discipline 

Once you decide and prioritize what it is you truly want, show up. Don’t show up sometimes, or when you feel like, show up consistently. Everybody says it, yet very few apply it; consistency yields results. It sounds annoying, but it’s true. When you put in half hearted energy, you get half hearted results. And this doesn’t mean show up sporadically, and go hard every couple of weeks. This is both an inconsistent and unsustainable, which could lead to burnout.

If you burn yourself out every time you work towards your goal, you’re going to need to recover. When you do this repeatedly, you might start to associate your goal with burnout, and probably start to dread showing up at all. That’s not what you want. That’s not the physical, or emotional energy, you want surrounding your manifestation. Take small regular steps towards your manifestation, and take one step at a time. Even if it’s just bite sized chunks, it’s still a chunk. You don’t have to eat the whole cake in one sitting. Show up, be consistent, and devote yourself to your co-creating your dream. 

6. Shift Your Energy

Your energy attracts similar energy. Whatever energy you primarily embody will continue to attract more of that energy into your life. No, this doesn’t mean every time you have an unpleasant thought it manifests, there’s a buffer period. However, the more you remain at a certain vibration, the more you attract experiences aligned with that vibration.

For example,

  • If you’re manifesting wealth into your life, you have to feel the feelings of wealth. So, if you want to manifest situations aligned with the feelings of wealth, freedom, and abundance; you need to stop focusing on the feelings of scarcity, restriction, and lack.

However you feel when you visualize yourself with your manifestation, is how you have to start feeling now. Feel that on a daily basis. Start doing things that help you further embody the feelings you want to attract. You have to tap into the feelings of your manifestation, in the present moment.

7. Let Go of Excuses

Giving in to excuses is the one of the primary ways people self sabotage; this, and procrastination. Ultimately, this comes back to discipline. Once you decide what you truly want, commit. Don’t “kind of” commit, or “sometimes” commit; fully commit, until you see it through. If it truly matters to you, you will find a way to show up. When you energetically commit to your desire, the universe commits to it too.

The universe will always fully support your dream when it is aligned with your greatest good, and that of the collective. But even when your manifestation is in alignment with your purpose, you still have to show up. You have free will, so it is a co-creation. The universe can open the doors for you, but you still have to walk through them. If a manifestation truly matters to you, you have to show up. So stop giving into excuses, and commit.

8. Try New Things

Yes, trying new things can be a little uncomfortable at first, but pushing beyond our current comfort zones is what allows us to create bigger ones. Continuing the same patterns that created the life you want to change, won’t help you achieve the one you want to create. Be willing to stretch, adapt, and try new things; especially when these things are divinely inspired ideas, or opportunities.

9. Enjoy the Manifestation Process

Enjoying the process is what keeps you going. When you enjoy the journey, you’re more likely to show up for it, and stay consistent. You want to genuinely enjoy the process of creating your manifestation. Make it fun. In addition to, feeling good just for the sake of feeling good, this also allows you to shift into a higher vibration. When you are aligned with a higher vibration, you are more receptive to divine guidance. This enables you to create from a place of inspiration, rather than frustration. Approach the process of creating your manifestation as a gift, not a burden. This mindset shift will change the energy you bring to it, and attract more joy and fulfillment into your life.

So instead of thinking,

  • “Ugh, I have to do this.”
  • Think, “I get to do this.”

This shifts helps shift your vibration into one of gratitude and opportunity.

If the manifestation is meant for you, and you take aligned action, it will happen. But you want to enjoy the way you get there. So enjoy the process. This will make the journey flow in a much more pleasurable way, because you want to show up. Don’t fixate on perfection, this will only frustrate you. Remember, it doesn’t have to be perfect. Perfection isn’t the goal, progress is. There is always room for improvement in the future; but in the beginning, it’s really important to just show up for your manifestation. This will help create the momentum you need to commit, and make it a part of your regular life. Show up, have fun, and do your best. This will help you give your manifestation your all.

10. Confront Your Limiting Beliefs

Throughout the manifestation process, take the time to recognize and confront your limiting beliefs. If there’s resistance towards creating this for yourself, confront the resistance. If part of it makes you uncomfortable, confront why it’s uncomfortable.

  • What is it?
  • What’s stopping you from moving forward?
  • What’s the story that you hear in your mind that’s preventing you from pursuing what you want?

Do the inner work to confront these fear based beliefs, and release them. Replace disempowering narratives ones with empowering ones that align you with who you want to be. Flip the story, that’s typically where the truth lies.

  • So instead of telling yourself the story that you’re “not enough because…” Shift that, to “I’m more than enough because…”

The things you think are weaknesses, are secretly your greatest untapped strengths. So flip the story, and choose the one that empowers you. Embody the qualities of the version of you that you want to become, not the version you’re outgrowing.

  • What would the empowered version of you do?

Now go do that.

11. Take Aligned Action

Take actions aligned with your manifestation. If you’re goal is to get healthy, stop doing unhealthy things. If you goal is to recieve love, stop pushing love away and be open to intimate connection. It sounds like an obvious idea; but a lot of people don’t always adhere to this, and engage in counterintuitive actions without recognizing it. Take actions that align with your vision for yourself. Make sure your daily choices take you closer to your goals, not away from them. 

12. Take Inspired Action

There’s a difference between inspired action and aligned action, although the two often coincide. Inspired action is a subtle urge or nudge to act that is intuitively driven. These intuitive hits come from your higher self. These are ideas are sometimes subtle, and don’t always make sense to our conscious mind. As a result, they can be easy to dismiss. However, these are the actions that will help you stay in alignment with your soul, and ultimately bring you closer to what you truly want out of life. Don’t ignore them, and listen in.

13. Listen to Your Intuition

As I said earlier, the best actions to help manifest what you truly want, are the ones that are divinely inspired. You need to listen to your intuition, and recognize when it is speaking to you. This is one of the primary ways the Universe supports your manifestation; by inspiring you with the ideas to help create it. It’s up to you to listen, and take the inspired action I mentioned before. These often come in the form of sudden flashes, subtle urges, or an odd thought that won’t go away. It may not make sense to your conscious mind at the time, but that does not mean ignore it!

Listen to your intuition, and trust it. It doesn’t have to make sense to your conscious mind, you’re intuition knows better. A lot of people receive divine sparks of inspiration, but often dismiss it because they can’t make sense of it. This is not a productive way to go about manifesting your dream, the universe isn’t limited in the ways you mind is, and knows more than you do. Learn to lean in, and trust it.

If an intuitive urge comes to you, trust it; especially, if the thought keeps coming back. Keep taking action on your intuitive nudges. This will help build your confidence in trusting it. To learn more about how to listen to your intuition, click here. 

14. Let Go & Have Faith

In addition to all of the previously mentioned tips, let go. Give your dream time to manifest, and unfold on its own. Be patient. Release attachment to the timing or your manifestation, and trust that it will happen when the time is right. The universe gives manifestations a buffer period. This not only gives you time to clarify if its what you truly want, but also gives you time to prepare yourself, and your life, for its physical manifestation. Don’t micromanage the entire process, or second guess yourself a thousand times. Let things unfold.

Those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait, and wait without anxiety.

A Course in Miracles

Trust that the Universe will support you to see your manifestation through. When you micromanage and obsess over the tiny details, you not only drive yourself crazy, but also block yourself from receiving universal guidance and inspiration. So just let go, and stop trying to control every aspect of the manifestation process. Trust that everything will work out for your highest good, and that of the collective. And have faith that what is meant for you will reach you, in perfect divine timing. Let things unfold, and have fun with the manifestation process. Flow in the direction of your joy, and let the momentum carry you.


Ultimately, manifesting what you desire with the law of attraction is possible. However, it’s a skill to be honed and developed. Be patient with yourself, and the manifestation process. It’s meant to be fun, not frustrating. You don’t have to struggle. Allow yourself to enjoy the journey, and show up. Your intuition will guide you, and with consistent aligned action, it will manifest. Just remember, you have to show up for your manifestation if you want it to show up for you. Manifesting is both a physical and energetic process, you can’t have one without the other. You have to match the vibration of what you want to call in, then take action on it. So make sure you take the time to feel those feelings daily, and feel good. You’ve got this. Just take inspired action, and allow things to unfold.

Love, Simone.

The Alchemist’s Moon

