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How to Connect with Your Divine Feminine

How to Connect With Your Divine Feminine

Regardless of sex or gender identity, everyone has divine feminine and masculine energies within them. Some people naturally connect with one more than the other, which is perfectly natural. It varies from person to person. However, I feel that more people are disconnected from their divine feminine; as a result, of societal pressures that force them to embody more masculinized states, such as hustle culture. This is neither bad nor good, but without balance it can contribute to a sense of inner chaos, burnout, and disconnection from an entire part of you. Utilizing both energies enables you to create more flow, balance, and wholeness in life; similar to what happens by embracing both your shadows and your light.

You connect to the divine feminine by connecting with yourself; your body, your emotions, your desires, and your intuition. So your journey can be as individual as you are, and I encourage you to honor the practices that work best for you. But here are several ways and practices that helped me connect with my own divine feminine energy, that I’m sure will help you!

But first!

What is the Divine Feminine?

To me, your divine feminine is the sacred feminine energy within you. It’s that sovereign, compassionate, abundant, and loving energy within each of us. It’s not singular, it’s multifaceted, and all encompassing. And honestly, I think it feels and manifests differently for each person. I believe that each person is a unique physical manifestation of divine energy, expressing itself through that person. So by connecting with yourself, you ultimately connect with the divine. There is no singular type of divine feminine energy, and there is no singular way to connect with it.

Why Should I Connect With It?

Connecting with your divine feminine energy, means connecting with more of yourself, and vice versa. It means knowing and accepting all of who you are, loving yourself, valuing yourself, and being grounded in your own truth and intuitive wisdom. When you connect with this part of you, there’s an embodied and felt strength that comes from within. And with it, there’s a reclamation of power that’s rooted in authenticity, worthiness, self acceptance, and self trust. It’s a powerful and transformative energy; just like the moon, the earth, and women. It is sacred. So choosing to reconnect with this part of you, can be an extremely empowering choice that allows you to live a fuller, more aligned, and present life. Here are 10 ways how!

1. Do Embodiment Practices

We are able to connect with the energy of the divine feminine by honoring and connecting with our body. Embodiment practices like dance and yoga are great ways to reconnect with your body, and it’s inner wisdom. Embodiment allows us to feel and bring awareness to the subtle energies and emotions within us. So incorporating some form of embodiment practice, whether it be dance, yoga, or another form of movement, can be a very powerful way to reconnect with your divine feminine energy and your body’s intuitive guidance.

Twerking, is also a very fun embodiment practice to connect with this side of yourself. Movement practices that focus on the hips or womb space, regardless of whether you have a physical womb, are great for this; even if it’s just hip circles. Obviously, listen to your body. Honor it’s limits, and move in ways that feel good for you.

2. Practice Sacred Sensuality

Sensuality practices are a great way to reconnect with your divine feminine. This kind of touches back to embodiment, but taking the time to receive and appreciate the sensual pleasures of life can be a very empowering and satisfying feminine practice. The easiest way to do this is to start by using your favorite physical sense or senses.

Personally, I love pretty smells and pretty things. So I love to use candles, scented body oils, and to create an authentic aesthetically pleasing environment for myself. If you really love physical touch, try wearing soft or silky clothes, taking a luxurious bath, or getting a massage. If you love sounds, maybe play some nice music or listen to asmr. Taste? Feed yourself a delicious and nourishing meal. Make it your own.

Create a personalized practice that reminds you of the goddess you are, and the love and pleasure you are worthy of receiving. In the wise words of Parks and Rec’s, Donna Meagle, “Treat yo self.” Also, self pleasure and consensual sex or sensuality, are great ways to enjoy the sensual joys of life as well. This can potentially help you feel present and connected, and further enjoy being in your body. Self pleasure may also help you feel through any shame or resistance you may have surrounding your body, or receiving pleasure.

3. Connect with Your Moon Cycle

If you have a physical womb space that actively bleeds, connect with your monthly cycle. Use it as a sacred time to give yourself extra love and self care, and to lean further into your intuition. Go within, and reflect on what other things you’re ready to shed in your life. Your body sheds physically, but you can also use this time to consciously release other things as well.

In addition, notice what moon phase your cycle naturally aligns with. Research the symbolism of that moon phase; and see if, and how, it resonates with your life. If you’re a highly sensitive or intuitive person, you’ll likely already feel the energy associated with that phase present. This not only gives you more insight into your current focus and needs; but also, helps foster a greater conscious connection with your body’s natural intuitive guidance.

There are four types of moon cycles. Yours is determined by the phase of the moon it starts on: new moon, waxing quarter, full moon, or waning quarter. Each phase shows you more about yourself, your current focus, and your needs at a point in life. These cycles are also referred to as: the white moon, pink moon, red moon, and purple moon cycle.

This may, and will likely change throughout your life, but this just gives you further insight as to where your energy is shifting towards. Your body has a natural intuitive wisdom of its own, the more you listen to it, the more connected you’ll be. Connection with your body can help you further connect with your divine feminine energy.

If you don’t menstruate, just pay attention to your natural cycles throughout the life. Notice what you’re currently drawn towards, what you crave in life, and what you need and desire now. Observe your own energetic shifts, and your personal cycles of evolution and change.

4. Honor Your Emotions

The divine feminine knows that emotions are sacred, natural, and powerful. Your emotions are there to guide you, and can be as a tool for self empowerment. They are always communicating your needs, desires, fears, and things that need to be addressed or healed. Sometimes, all you need to do is acknowledge them for them to dissipate. Don’t ignore them, they’re there for a reason. Honor them, bring awareness to them, and be compassionate. Instead of being critical, be curious. Try to see what your feelings may be telling you about yourself, or a situation. Use them as an internal compass showing you what to move towards, or what to release.

5. Honor Your Needs & Desires

Similar to honoring your emotions, honoring your desires is also incredibly important. Your deepest desires help reconnect with who you truly are, and with the divine. They are there for a reason, and often guide you towards what your soul came here to experience in this life. When you nurture your dreams and desires, in the way you would your physical needs, you connect with the divine feminine mother archetype. Nurture yourself and your desires, and flow in the direction of what you love.

6. Prioritize Passion & Joy

Feeling passion, and doing things we love makes us feel alive. Embodying joy and passion in your daily life is a great way to not only make life more enjoyable, but also to connect with your divine feminine energy. Doing the things we love makes us feel fulfilled, and more like ourselves. When you reconnect with your authentic self, you reconnect with the divine. Feeling joy not only enables you to do this, but also allows us to experience some of the best parts of being human. So do things you love often, and make feeling joy and passion a daily practice. Do things that excite you, and that make you feel grateful to be in this human body, having this human experience.

7. Listen to Your Intuition

Intuitive guidance comes from your ability to receive and connect to divine wisdom. The divine feminine is intuitive, because it knows how to be present and feel into it’s own inner wisdom. Listening to your intuition will not only connect you with your divine feminine, but also help you stay in alignment with your highest self. This is what enables us to live a life of purpose, and be in flow with the Universe.

8. Connect with Nature

The divine feminine is expressed abundantly in nature, and you, as an extension of it. You just need to drop in to those energies, and nurture them. Connect with the earth, the trees, the plants, the seas, and natural foods. This is a nourishing way to reconnect with your divine feminine energy, life, and the frequency of abundance itself. The divine feminine is so abundant, free, and in touch with what is. So being in nature is an amazing way to feel those qualities within yourself.

Nature is abundance. There are more leaves on one tree than you could probably count in a day; or blades of grass on your lawn. Connect with the earth, and recognize the ways it effortlessly displays divine feminine energy or characteristics to you. And allow yourself to go through cycles of change and transformation just like nature does.

Hint: The inside of a lot of flowers and fruit look like vaginas. So, you can start there if you want! 😂

9. Surround Yourself with Divine Feminine People

Surround yourself with people that embody divine feminine energy. More often than not, this may be a group of high vibe women. Surrounding yourself with these types of people may help you feel safe and inspire you to reconnect the same energy within yourself. Create or join a loving community of women, where you can honor and support each other on your spiritual journeys. This not only helps reconnect you with your divine feminine within, but also helps repair the collective feminine wound of broken sisterhood. We are meant to help empower and lift each other up, not tear each other down.

As a result of years of fear based conditioning, many female relationships have been plagued by an ingrained sense of competition, insecurity, and distrust. We do not need to continue to perpetuate this pattern, and it’s time we collectively choose to break it. Celebrate, support, and empower other women. Rather than be intimidated by a confident woman in her power, be inspired. Facilitate this collective healing by fostering healthy female relationships of your own. Or, join a high vibe women’s circle, goddess circle, or sacred sisterhood that supports this. Witness, celebrate, and support other women reclaiming their inner goddess. This not only empowers them, but helps empower you.

10. Use Archetypes

Which archetypes come to mind when you think of the divine feminine?

Goddesses, fictional characters, role models, Khaleesi…

There are so many female archetypes scattered throughout history, lying present in our collective unconscious. Meditating on, or embodying them, can help you connect with the divine feminine expression that is most aligned for you. I also believe this expression shifts at different points in our life, and in different situations. However, I do feel that each person has one or two divine feminine archetypes that feel most prominent for them throughout their life’s experience.

Here are some of them to get you started,

  • the Wild Woman Archetype
  • the Maiden, Mother, and Crone
  • The Queen
  • The Witch
  • The Seductress or The Lover
  • The Healer or Medicine Woman
  • The Priestess

There are so many in existence.

Also, when it comes to the maiden, mother, crone archetypes, you do not have to be the age traditionally associated with it, to resonate with one or more of those energies. You also don’t have to be a physical mother. Just a reminder.

Once you notice this, think about which expression of divine femininity that you feel called to embody right now. It may help to think about your favorite goddesses, or fictional characters, to guide which expression you may be most drawn towards.

Divine Feminine Journal Prompts

Ask yourself some of these questions to help you gain more clarity about your relationship and perception of your divine feminine energy. Let your answers guide your journey towards reconnecting with it.

  • How has your divine feminine energy expressed itself in the past?
  • Which divine feminine archetypes do you find it the most natural to connect with? Which ones do you feel called to embody?
  • Does your divine masculine take over more easily? Does it shame what you identify as divine feminine?
  • Do you find it easier to connect with one over the other, and why?
  • What are some ways you can express both your divine feminine and masculine energies harmoniously in your daily life?


The journey of reconnecting with your divine feminine, is primarily a journey of self exploration. This journey enables you to connect more deeply with yourself. There is no one type of divine feminine energy, because it’s vast, and all encompassing. It challenges you to connect with yourself in different ways, and encourages you to move through life differently as well.

Use these ten tips to help you create your own practice of connecting with your divine feminine. The tips I shared helped me along my journey of reconnecting with this part of myself, and I believe it will help you too. I don’t feel it’s my place to tell you what your divine feminine is, because I feel like one’s experience and perception of it is individualistic. However, my intention is that these tips give you greater clarity on how to discover it for yourself. Doing so enabled me to create more joy, flow, peace, and love in my life; and I hope it will bring you the same, if not more.

Love, Simone.

The Alchemist’s Moon

