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How to Become Your Best Self | 8 Powerful Steps!

Embodiment | How to Become Your Best Self

If you’re reading this, then you’re probably in the middle of your glow up process trying to get to the next step. Well, I’ve got good news. You’re already the person you want to be. It’s just a matter of releasing the mindsets preventing you from embodying your truth, or your best self.

I believe that the version of ourselves that we’ve truly always wanted to be, is the version of us most aligned with our purpose in life. So it’s extremely important that we honor these visions by permitting ourselves to embody them. You are intuitively drawn towards these energies and archetypes for a reason. Listen to them. These are the dissociated parts of you begging to be integrated and released; so that you can embody your purpose, and be who you came here to be. So here are several techniques I use to quickly step into my most aligned and best self.

1. Visualize

When you picture your highest self, or the best version of yourself, who are they?

Ask yourself,

  • What are they doing?
  • What do they look like?
  • How are they dressed?
  • What type of words do they speak?
  • What energy do they bring when they walk into the room?
  • How do they interact with others?

Clearly visualize this version of yourself. Be very specific and honest with yourself about who you want to be, the clearer the better. Now hold that picture in your mind or write that down. 

2. Be Self Aware

Okay, now that you’ve gotten clear about who you truly want to be, it’s time to be fully aware of who you are now. This is the time to be radically honest with yourself.

  • Who are you now, and what do you need to embody or release to get to who you want to be?
  • Are there any habits that you have now that your best self doesn’t?
  • Where are you not in alignment with your best self?
  • What areas of your life don’t match up with your best self and best life?
  • In what ways are you not fully embodying the best version of yourself?
  • And better yet, in what ways do you find you already are the best version of you?

It would probably help to have a visual list of the areas in your life and yourself that you want to shift. Journaling might help.

3. Love, Don’t Judge

Show gratitude to the parts of you that are already in alignment. Remember, this process is not about shaming yourself, it’s about freeing yourself. Becoming your best self is about releasing the things limiting you from being your most authentic self; and allowing yourself to fully blossom into the version of you that you feel called to be. Part of this process, means releasing what isn’t serving you and what isn’t in alignment. It’s all about taking aligned action true to who you want to be. So appreciate where you are, and how far you’ve come. It’s okay to allow yourself to grow, and to do so while still loving who you already are. 

4. Embody Your Best Self

I know this sounds overly simplified, but just do it. Be your best self. Start taking daily steps to embody the best version of yourself. Be mindful of the ways you feel you already are, but also work on shifting the parts of you that aren’t. These don’t have to be giant steps, but you do want them to be regular steps. Overtime, the daily actions you take towards embodying your best self become effortless and natural. However, it’s really important to put that initial effort in to challenge yourself in healthy ways. It may feel strange as you expand past your comfort zone, but this is part of how you grow into who you want to be. Overtime, this will just be you. You won’t have to think about consciously being the person you want to be, because you become the person you want to be. If you want even deeper guidance on this, I created a program specifically for feeling confident and embodiment linked here! 🙂

5. Do What Your Best Self Would Do

Doing things that your best self would do further helps you embody this energy. Taking aligned actions help connect you to what you love and who you want to be. Remember, as above so below. Although, most transformation takes place internally and energetically, you still need to take physical action too. This also just helps you live more of the life you want to live just by doing it. So act how your best self would act, love how you would love, go to places you would go, and do things your best self would do. On an energetic level, this helps you align with the frequency of your best self and your best life. This attracts similar opportunities that perpetuate that same energy and momentum.

6. Release Self Limiting Habits and Mindsets

Previously, I used to believe that changing meant I was fake and betraying myself. This was my biggest limiting belief stopping from becoming the person I am today, that I truly love. This block that stopped me from living my truth. The reason I share this, is because everyone has some self limiting belief or challenge. Oftentimes, these beliefs arise as a result of societal conditioning or from trauma you sustained growing up. Whatever yours is, needs to be identified. Because part of the reason you’re not quite who you want to be today, is most likely due to a self limiting belief or habit that’s holding you back. So pay attention to how you feel and what thoughts or feelings come up as you start to embody your best self. Shadow work may be a helpful tool for you to confront and transform these inner blocks.

7. Be Mindful

If you feel shame around dressing as your best self, try questioning why you feel that shame.

  • Is it because you feel unworthy?
  • Were you previously shamed or made fun of for your looks?
  • Are you afraid of being seen, and fear you’ll attract too much attention?

Whatever it is, be mindful, be compassionate, and be patient as you work towards releasing these limiting beliefs. Change disempowering beliefs by embracing empowering truth. Instead, adopt beliefs that empower you and free you to be who you want to be. Use affirmations that feel nourishing and healing for you. Try affirmations like,

  • I’m worthy of being my best self, and living a life I love.
  • I’m worthy of being seen, and the more I shine my light the more I inspire others to shine theirs.
  • I’m beautiful, and confident in my beauty, worth, and lovability.

Affirmations and positive thinking, can be very powerful, especially when used consistently overtime. So find which affirmations resonate, and feel the most empowering for you. Stick with those for a while to see positive change.

8. Be Positive

Last, but not least, be fucking positive. Remember, you are worthy, lovable, and enough as you are. But, you are also perfectly capable and permitted to be exactly who you want to be. You don’t need anyone’s permission to be yourself. You just need to listen to your intuition, and grow in the ways that feels right for you at your own time and pace. The fact that you’re using resources to find how, means you’re already well on your way towards becoming your best self. You have the intention, the effort, and aligned action to get you there. Just keep going, and be patient with yourself. Sometimes growth and transformation happens overnight, and sometimes it takes years. Whatever rate you grow at is perfectly right for you. Trust that, and be compassionate with yourself. Know that you have what it takes to get to where you want to go. You’ve got this. Keep your vision in sight, and you’ll find you’ve transformed more than you knew in no time. Believe in yourself, and be bold.


Transformation is a choice, and when you’re ready to allow yourself to grow in the ways that feel right for you, you will. Intention and aligned action combined is very powerful. It may take time, but I have found embodiment and mindfulness practices to be the best way to quickly shift into feeling and being the person I feel called to be. Just start being your best self, and overtime it becomes who you are. It’s almost the same way that repetition overtime made you who you are now. However, as you evolve you often outgrow different aspects of your life and even yourself. So be grateful for the person you are today, let go of what doesn’t serve, and welcome in new opportunities. You got this.

Love, Simone.

And if you’re truly ready to do a deep dive on loving yourself, embodying your best self, saying YES to living your purpose, and doing all of those things and more with me and a circle of other high vibe souls committed to doing the same; check out my new signature live program Born Bold where we spend 12 weeks gathered in high vibe community deep diving into all the tools, mindsets, and strategies to help you truly embody, step into your best self, and be who you came here to be. If you identify as a cycle breaker, big dreamer, or visionary, this program was made for you.

The Alchemist’s Moon

