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How to Be Your Authentic Self | 12 Spiritual Tips

How to Be Your Authentic Self | 12 Spiritual Tips

Being your authentic self takes courage. So if you’re reading this post, be proud of yourself for even venturing to take that journey in the first place. It’s not a journey everyone takes. It can be scary, because it means facing who you truly are and making the choice to radically accept the person you discover. However, it is one of the most empowering decisions you can make, because it will free you to live a life in alignment with your truth. This choices extends into every area of your life. The more you learn to love your authentic self, the more you desire to align your life with it. So life becomes a beautiful reflection of the truth of who you are, and creates a sense of peace and fulfillment. So here are 12 powerful tips to help you embody your most authentic self to live a life that feels true and fulfilling for you.

1. Allow Yourself to Grow

You already are who you want to be. The person you wish you could be, already lives within you. It’s not like one day you’re gonna just transplant bodies into the new and improved version of yourself. You level up when you allow yourself to level up. It happens when you’re ready, and at your own natural and divine pace. You’re exactly where you need to be to grow in the way your soul needs to evolve. You already have what you need to free yourself. All you need to do is tap in, and listen to where your soul is calling you to go.

2. Tap Into Your Intuitive Guidance

Listen to your heart’s desires. What are you drawn to? What do you feel you need? And what do you truly want more than anything right now? What gets you excited, and keeps you up at night just thinking about it? That’s your spirit talking to you. That’s your intuitive guidance gently nudging you towards what your soul wants you to experience next. Allow yourself to explore that. It’s there for a reason.

3. Identify Authentic Desires

True desires are different from conditioned desires. Sometimes, if you’re lucky they coincide. But very often, conditioned desires instilled in us by our culture and surrounding environment don’t always align with what feels good and authentic for us. As a result, many people suppress their true desires to appease their cultures expectations, and settle for living a life that isn’t truly fulfilling for them. This is very normal, however true contentment comes from living in alignment with your truth, not out of it.

4. Recognize Conditioned Desires

Conditioned desires typically don’t feel as exciting, freeing, or rejuvenating. Instead, it might feel stressful, draining, or like a burden. Feelings like pressure, anxiety, and restriction probably accompany it. If you feel that way about your desire, it may not be what you actually want. It may just be something you’ve been conditioned to want, and have gone on to believe just has to be done. And that’s not necessarily true. So it’s really important that you learn to listen to your intuition’s guidance to help you distinguish what you do actually want versus what you’ve been taught to want.

5. Listen to Your Intuition

Learn to listen to your intuition, and trust where it’s trying to guide you. Recognize and respect your authentic needs, desires, and values. Long story not short, living somebody else’s dream life isn’t gonna cut it; not when it comes to satisfying the soul. You need to discover what your truth is, and go live it. Regardless, of what may be “right” for other people.

6. Recognize Their Perfect, Might Not Be Your Perfect

Different strokes for different folks. We’ve all heard it. What works for them, might not be what works best for you, and that’s okay. So your life might look “perfect,” from a traditional standpoint; but, if your authentic self doesn’t actually align with it, that “perfect life” probably won’t fulfill you. As a result, you might feel okay at best the majority of the time. At the worst, you might be miserable, underwhelmed, and unsatisfied. But this isn’t how your life has to remain. You deserve more, and you can create it. But, it takes courage.

7. Be Willing to Question Your Beliefs

Whatever the situation may be, ask yourself: is it true there is really no other option? Is this really the right thing for me? Do I truly want this or is this just the only way I think I can get close to what I actually want? A.K.A are you settling because you believe what you truly desire is unattainable? If you are, just allow yourself to truly question if what you believe is actually true. Is this really the only way my life can be? Because chances are it’s not, and maybe it’s worth being open minded about other possibilities and creative solutions.

8. Honor Your Truth

Not everyone is created to live the same life or the same way. You don’t have to be like the majority. If you take anything from this blog, please let it be that you can do life your way. You don’t have to do things the way they’ve always been done. Contrary to popular social belief, “this is just the way it is, or this is how it’s always been,” is not a legitimate reason to continue perpetuating outdated systems and ways of living, that no longer serve the individual’s and collective’s highest good. You can live in whatever way feels most true and good for you, as long it does no harm. Honor your truth, and go live it.

9. Face Your Fears

Unleash! movement founder, Yarixa Ferrao, once shared a quote during a class I took. She said, “Fear is the mask that freedom wears.” Sometimes, to experience greater freedom and fulfillment in our lives, we have to confront our biggest fears. Very often they show up as limiting beliefs and negative assumptions we hold regarding ourselves, or the world. But it’s through confronting those same deep-seated fears, that we find our freedom. Because many limiting beliefs are just that, beliefs, not truth. And once you recognize them as just false or disempowering narratives, you enable yourself to reclaim more of your freedom. Because now you can make the conscious decision to let go of something that did not serve you, and invite in new beliefs that will. You are more powerful than you know. You just have to release the thoughts convincing you that you’re not.

10. Make Your Life an Authentic Expression of You

Stop believing you can’t be who you want to be. If you’re life doesn’t feel like an authentic expression of who you truly are, change it. You have more power than you think. Your true dreams and desires, probably the ones you’ve held since you were a child, were given to you for a reason. They are there to guide you to where your soul wants to go and what it came to experience.

11. Be Open to the Journey, Not Just the Destination

It’s not always the exact thing we want that we truly desire. Sometimes, certain desires are put there just to bring us closer to our purpose and who we actually are. For example, maybe you’ve dreamed of being a travel nurse. When in reality, what you truly want is to travel and experience the feeling of complete freedom without limitation. You want experiences that align you with the nature of your soul and your soul’s purpose. But the truth is, nothing you truly desire is ever outside or separate from you, it is you.

12. You Are What You Desire

People want is to come into alignment with their authentic selves. They want to feel at peace and in sync with their true nature. And most people desire to experience peace, freedom, abundance, and love. All of which come back to the essence of who we are, which is spirit. We came from pure spirit and return to it after we leave this earth.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience, however we often lose our conscious connection to our spiritual nature due to fear and conditioning. But the truth is, you have constant access to the feelings you want to experience in life. You just have to go within, and embody them.


Remember, you already are your authentic self. You just have to shed the beliefs and illusions holding you back. Make choices that bring you closer into alignment with your truth, and honor it even if it’s contrary to popular opinion. If it harms none, do ya thang. And be patient, de-conditioning is a process and shedding self limiting patterns and beliefs takes conscious effort at first. So have compassion, be bold, and be patient with yourself along the way. You got this. Just keep doing things that feel most in alignment with the true you and your highest self.

Love, Simone.

And if you want even more support and are ready deep dive into being your authentic self, loving yourself, and living your purpose, then check out my signature program Born Bold. In it, you spend 12 weeks with myself and a circle of other high vibe souls committed to doing the same; where we deep dive into the mindsets, tools, and strategies to help you truly embody and embrace your best self, so you can be who your soul came here to be. If you identify as a cycle breaker, big dreamer, or visionary, this program was made for you.

The Alchemist’s Moon

