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Hidden Blessings: Your Obstacles Aren’t Accidents

Hidden Blessings: Your Obstacles Aren't Accidents

Before you continue to read about hidden blessings, there are two things you need to know…

  1. You are supported. 
  2. You are never truly alone in this world; no matter how isolated or desolate you may feel. There is never a moment you aren’t surrounded by an unseen force of unconditional love.

Obstacles are Blessings

We are interconnected; meaning you are supported by both seen and unseen forces throughout your entire life. And the Universe constantly places people and experiences along your path, to help you heal and realign with love. Sometimes these people and experiences can present themselves to us as obstacles. But these are the hidden blessings that allow us to access our greatest potentials and freedom.

Light stuff right?

Anyway, its easy to feel discouraged when things don’t turn out as you hoped and anticipated. And extreme disappointments can lead us to question things like what’s the point of any of this anyway? What’s the point of existence? What’s God? Does God or the Universe even exist? Why me? Why am I here? All types of existential thoughts.

Divine Opportunities

But contrary to popular opinion, these same challenging moments in life, are the same hidden blessings that can act as some of our greatest teachers. They can be the most powerful catalysts, allowing us to shift into the next phase of our personal evolution. And provide a gateway enabling us to peer deeper into the truths of our soul and of life itself. 

These moments are divine opportunities, should we choose to use it that way. So when they appear, allow yourself to see the blessings present in these experiences. Embrace your feelings, but don’t let your fear or grief completely block you from seeing the gift in the situation. The trick is to go through the experience, not over it. Be present enough in the process, to learn what an experience is trying to teach you.

*Disclaimer: This should go without saying, but if an experience is dangerous or threatens your safety in any way please, leave the situation.*

Everything Happens for a Reason

But in truth, everything happens for a reason, and everything the Universe shows you in life is happening for you, not to you. Each moment and challenge is an opportunity to grow, learn, and evolve into another version of yourself more attuned with your personal truth and those of the collective. These moments enable you to rise to higher states of being, and thus open you to greater opportunities within your life. So when situations we wanted fall through, very often this is the Universe’s way of redirecting us toward something better and more aligned with our soul’s purpose. Other times, it may be the Universe’s way of not saying never, but just of saying not now. If it is truly meant for you, it will have the opportunity to manifest within your life when the time is right. 

Vibrational Match

Delays can occur because we are not in a state of being best able to receive the gifts an opportunity may offer. And sometimes we may not be a vibrational match yet, even though our souls know it is meant for us when we are truly ready. Some experiences, though more challenging, can be our greatest channels to growth by allowing us to confront limiting beliefs and thought patterns head on. This can feel like a period of personal purging and deep release.

Blessings and Limiting Beliefs

Very often limiting beliefs are negative, and instill low self worth. They block us from receiving blessings, and ultimately stifle our highest expression. This causes us to live inauthentic and unfulfilled lives out of alignment with our higher selves. Oftentimes, a lot of life issues we encounter stem from the same unacknowledged wound or belief driving our behavior. And this causes the same situations to appear time and time again but with a different face. 

For instance, maybe you notice that throughout your life you typically attract people that drain you; because they constantly use you, and take more than you’re willing to give. When in reality, you continue to attract and accept these people into your life, because you don’t assert and maintain healthy boundaries. You might fear you’ll be left alone; because the only way you can secure “love” in your relationships is by giving people whatever they want. You’re essentially reaffirming a limiting belief that,

  • I won’t be lovable unless I prioritize the needs and desires of others over my own.
  • My needs and desires aren’t valuable or worthy of being met

Subconsciously you believe you’re not worthy of love, because you haven’t begun to love yourself. So you try to sublimate a lack of self love and worth with the conditional “love” or “value” people give you in relationships, which really isn’t love at all.

Love and Self Worth

Love and self worth are unconditional. They do not fluctuate because you didn’t drive this person to the mall, or because you didn’t wear makeup this day. If someone truly loves you, they accept you for you. It can’t be bought or earned. Love is given freely and unconditionally. This applies to both relationships with others and with yourself. You are a blessing, love yourself accordingly. You are enough, and worthy of love exactly as you are.

Facing your Shadows

Long story not short, when we continue to ignore the lessons appearing in our lives they continue to appear; whether it be relationships or situations. These situations almost always have the same core issue; yet happen in different circumstances. These are the external manifestations of unhealed or unacknowledged parts of ourselves called shadows. And they continue to repeat until we see, love, and accept them as a part of who we are. These experiences are not bad, they simply are.

Embrace the Blessings

Often we perceive these situations as obstacles to be escaped, but they are hidden blessings. Because they allow you to break cycles of limiting beliefs and heal wounds previously left unattended. They are whatever you choose to perceive them as. But they can help to awaken you to issues present within yourself and your life that are impeding you from living a more authentic and fulfilling life. So thank them, because sometimes it is through overcoming these hardships and limitations that we find our greatest freedoms. In every lesson is a blessing. 

  • Challenge: What feelings or situations keep repeating in your life? Take some time to reflect on this, and see what thoughts or emotions come up. How can those situations secretly be blessings in disguise, and how you can potentially use them to heal or empower yourself and others? Comment down below what hidden blessings you uncovered in your life and how you discovered them.

Love, Simone.

The Alchemist’s Moon

