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Dream Bigger | How to Live a Fulfilling Life

Dream Bigger | How to Live A Fulfilling Life

Early on, many of us are taught to lower our expectations to match someone else’s. Sometimes, we’re taught to expect the same life experiences of our elders, and that’s it. Most of us have had our fair share of this at some point. For instance, maybe your mom told you “This is how all men are.” Or maybe your dad said, “All jobs suck, and that’s just the way it is.” Chances are, you’ve been taught to expect the bare minimum in some aspect of your life by someone in your immediate environment. However, I don’t think settling for the bare minimum in any capacity is a fulfilling way to approach life. You’re worthy of more. Let yourself dream big. Here are 6 steps to pursue a fulfilling life.

1. Release Conditioning

Conditioning and fear of failure are two primary reasons people ignore their dreams. Often, poor conditioning is unintentional. Most of our parents do their best to raise us, and protect us from pain they’ve experienced in the only way they know how. But the problem is, this then creates self fulfilling prophecies for the children they raise to carry out. Because people live up to the standards and expectations they choose to set for themselves. And this is typically dictated by what was modeled for them in their surroundings growing up. However, you don’t have to believe in these stories or disempowering narratives. They’re not yours, and you have the power to let them go. Let go of limiting beliefs stopping you from living the life you want to live.

2. Reclaim Creativity

Reclaiming your creative impulse is important. Most people aren’t really taught to take charge of their lives, or to prioritize passion, purpose, and fulfillment. You’re taught to be good, which is oftentimes interchanged with obedience and status quo. However, conformity is not always best. Individuality and abstract thinking can enable us to think of innovative solutions to collective problems. Stifling this creativity, not only diminishes our ability to think of fulfilling dreams for ourselves, but also diminishes our ability to think of bigger dreams for generations to come. So prioritize passion, and reclaim your creative spark. Do what you’re passionate about, and do things you love.

3. Think Big

People who think differently, think of unique ways to live and engage with the world that can inspire others. So it’s extremely important to think outside the box. Do things that bring you pleasure. Do things that make you feel alive. Think big, and don’t be afraid to dream. What are some dreams you’ve held that you really want to see come to fruition? Don’t hold back. Allow yourself to desire. What do you really want to see in your life, or in the world? And what are some ways you can work towards creating that today? Take inspired action.

4. Believe in Your Dream

People settle for what they expect to be reasonable or attainable for them. So maybe you should shift your perception, and start seeing your dreams as perfectly attainable and acceptable realities. Stop accepting what you were taught to expect. Also, you don’t have to know how yet, and you don’t have to have it all figured out. All you need to do first is recognize what your dream is. Sometimes when people get overwhelmed by the how, they give up before they even start. So just begin with awareness, and try not to get overwhelmed by the details. Then start planning, and taking aligned action towards it. Reach for fulfillment, whatever that means and looks like for you.

5. Feed Your Dream

It’s important to surround yourself with people, things, and media that inspire you. Give life and energy to your dream. Surround yourself with things that align with the highest vision of yourself and your best life. Do things you love, and start finding creative ways to live your dream life today. Let the words and energy you consume remind you that your visions are not only possible, but attainable. This encourages you to have faith and to achieve your desires, rather than not dream out of fear of failure. And don’t be afraid to release what is not in alignment, and what is not serving your highest good. Sometimes letting go is what helps move us forward.

6. Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

Failure is often just a pre marker of success. So don’t fear it, but if you do, that’s okay. The only way you can fail, is if you try. And if you try, you’re a thousand steps closer to achieving your dream than if you didn’t start at all. In my personal opinion, true failure is forfeiting before even giving yourself the chance due to fear of being disappointed. Believing in yourself enough to try, is a win in itself. Be proud.

Yes, it’s good to consider both possibilities. You may fail. And, you may succeed. But very often humans train their mind to focus on the worst possibility. Most do this so they can prepare and guard themselves from pain. Some don’t even allow themselves to dream, because they’re afraid to hope and risk potential disappointment. But what if, we chose to be mindful of all potentials, but instead focused on the possibility of, what if this works out? Maybe then, we would see that we’re capable of more than bare minimum, and that settling is not a necessity in life, but a choice. Be bold.

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

Wayne Gretzky

What will you do to honor your dream today? What is your vision of a fulfilling life? And what dreams will you commit to seeing through? Comment down below. 

Love, Simone

The Alchemist’s Moon

