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Aligned Action | How to Manifest What You Want

How to Manifest What You Want

Take inspired action with the resources you have now in the present moment. Set your sights on what you truly want, then figure out a plan to get there. Once you have that plan, take the actions you can now. And give your desire the time and energy it needs to manifest. Yes, sometimes manifestations happen overnight, but not all do. Most manifestations take divine timing, energy, and consistent action. Manifestation is practical too. You have to meet the astral with the physical. As above, so must be below. Once these two are in harmony, everything changes. So yes you can manifest and scribe what you want to attract your desire into your reality, but what are you doing in the physical realm to help it manifest? Are your actions aligned with your intention? Or are they shitting on it, for lack of better words. Here are 12 powerful tips I use to help you manifest your intent.

1. Be Patient

You gotta help Spirit out. And yes, there is a time and season for everything. A time to give, a time to receive, a time to act, and a time to be still. But this is why it’s so important to be rooted in your intuition, and move from that divinely inspired place. Because the best manifests in perfect divine timing. But you gotta act too. The divine might be willing to deliver an opportunity to you on a silver platter; but if you don’t accept it or go after it, things are gonna take longer to manifest.

2. Embody Your Manifestation

Do it now. Start aligning yourself with the vibration of the thing you desire, in both emotional and physical ways. And this applies to any dream or desire you have. If you want to have the love you’ve always dreamed of, start being the lover you wish you had. Give that love to yourself. Act as you would if you had the love you dream of. Feel how you would feel if you had it, but right now. And go do the things you would do with the love of your life. This is how you attract your desires to you.

3. Capitalize on The Present

And I know what you might be thinking, Okay, yeah that’s nice and all, but how? How can I start doing what I want to do if I don’t have the degree yet, or the experience yet, or even the money? And the answer is simple, you do what you can. You take actions aligned with that desire or intention, with what you have in the present moment. Regardless of whether or not it’s the exact way you pictured, by doing what you wish you were doing in some variety, helps you align with the vibration of the thing you actually want.

4. Align with the Frequency of What You Want to Manifest

For instance, if you want to be a mother, but haven’t gotten pregnant yet; go be a f*cking mother. You don’t need a baby to start nurturing, loving, or guiding others. Just start mothering. Mother yourself, and put yourself in situations that allow you to connect with the same maternal energy you want to embody. You can feel the things you want to feel as a mother, now. The more you align yourself with the frequency of what you want, the more you will attract its physical equivalent into your life. And this is especially potent, when you do it through both action and energy.

5. Be the Person You Want to Be

So if you want to be a speaker, start speaking. If you want to be a writer, start writing; a teacher, start teaching. You wanna be fit? Take care of your body; give it the nutrients, love, patience, and practices it needs to maintain or develop a healthy body. Take actions aligned with your intention, with the resources you have now and see where it takes you. Take one step at a time, and put one foot in front of the other. You’ll get where you need to go, just start moving in that direction.

Not only does it help you align with the frequency energetically, but it also communicates to the universe that you’re ready. You doing what you want and dream of doing, in some form, says, “Oh they’re ready, they’re doing it.” It communicates that you already are what you want to be; because technically, in some capacity, you are. And you already are the person you’ve always wanted to be. So this draws even more opportunities aligned with the frequency of what you want, because you’re already aligned with it.

6. Do More of What You Love

So if you want to do what you love, start doing more of what you love, and put yourself out there. Do it how you would do it, as if you had the exact opportunity you desire. The more you move yourself into that emotional and energetic space, the more your physical actions will shift to align with it. And when you do this, you attract and create situations more aligned with what you truly desire, until you actually have it in physical reality.

7. Focus on Joy

The thing is, and this is part of the key; is that when you align yourself with the frequency of what you want, as if you were already there, you allow yourself to release the desperation attached to it. You stop becoming so focused on the outcome, and get lost in the joy of the process. This is when you allow things to flow. Because you feel as if you already have it; which shifts you into a frequency of abundance and fulfillment, rather than lack.

8. Manifest With Gratitude

What you focus on grows. So when you focus on lack, you find more lack. And when you shift your vibration to align with lack, you attract more situations that create that same sensation. A.K.A not what you want. So instead, try to focus on what you already have, and feel the gratitude that stems from that. This attracts more situations that amplify that same sense of genuine gratitude. A.K.A. what you want.

9. Release What’s Not in Alignment

Sometimes you have to make space for your desires to manifest. Meaning that, in order for new parts of your life to be born, some older parts may need to die. You may have to reassess your life and your habits. Be honest about what things no longer serve you, and the life you’re trying to manifest. Realistically, are your current practices aligned with your intention?

10. Recognize Ways You Block Your Manifestations

For instance, are you setting intentions for health and well-being, but still consuming a hefty pack of cigarettes and junk food daily? If you’re setting intention for self love, are you monitoring and shifting the stories you tell yourself? Do you still criticize yourself when you look in the mirror, or think you’re stupid or not good enough? These are things that need to go, because they’re no longer aligned with where you’re heading. Where are you currently placing your energy, and is it helping nourish what you want to see grow in your life?

11. Manifest through Aligned Action

Make sure your actions are aligned with your intention. Actions communicate to the Universe too. So if you say you’re calling in abundance; notice abundance, and allow it to flow in. If you ignore and refuse abundance when it presents itself; this says to the Universe that you don’t actually want abundance to manifest in your life, because you keep rejecting it. Your actions have to match the vibration you’re calling in through embodiment.

Remember, you are worthy of what you desire. Spirit placed that specific desire in your heart for a reason, you're worthy of receiving it. So let yourself go after what you want, and receive it. 

12. Plant the Seeds You Want to Manifest

So take action now. You have no idea what you can accomplish if you start planting the seeds and taking aligned action now. And you have no idea what changes you can create in six months; let alone a year, or five years, or even ten years for that matter. You can create an entirely different life for yourself in the future, based on what you choose to do right now. There is immense power in recognizing and utilizing the potential of the present. So use it, don’t waste it. Start doing what you wish you were doing; or at least start taking steps in that direction. Because the seeds you plant now, is what will grow for your future. What fruits do you want your life to bear?

The Alchemist’s Moon

