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Hey guys, my name is Simone. And I created this blog for absolutely anyone interested in spirituality, self development, lifestyle, and self love. I find the term lifestyle to be kind of vague, so by this I mean living a life more aligned with who you truly are and being bold enough to express that. Sometimes I have some good ideas, and would like to express this part of myself to someone besides my notes app or dream journal. So in this way, I guess I’m using this blog as a creative outlet on my own healing journey, but also in hope that some of my ideas and experiences help someone else besides myself.

I truly believe that deep down everyone has and knows their truth on an intuitive level. I believe they know their purpose, and their most authentic self. My intention is to remind you of that, and to help you bring that out from within. So I’m going to post my ideas here, and hope that it helps both you and I in the process. If it resonates and helps you please let me know. I’d love to know if I helped you or a friend in any way. If it didn’t resonate, leave it behind. I want this to be a platform of growth and connecting with other positive souls just trying to live happier, more conscious and loving lives. I think everyone on this planet deserves love and fulfillment in their life. We’re all in this together, we all make mistakes, and we’re all on our own personal journey of healing. My intention is that through this blog, my words are used to help myself and others be as authentic, honest, and open to the abundant possibilities that lie within themselves and their lives. And I hope we all leave it feeling a little bit more empowered, at peace, and free to be and express our truest selves out in the world.

Love, Simone.