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How to Manifest Your Dreams: Even if They’re Big

How to Manifest Your Dreams: Even if They're Big

You can manifest what you want. It is possible. I think this is one of the first, and most important things to remember when manifesting a dream. You need to at least allow yourself to believe in the possibility of it, even if you’re not fully there yet. If you don’t believe in your dream, you probably won’t sustain your pursuit of it when challenges arise. You’ll tell yourself, “It probably wasn’t possible anyway.” But you will never know that for certain unless you give your dream a true shot.

Give it everything you’ve got, and allow yourself to see what’s possible. I’m not promising that things will manifest exactly how you envisioned them; very often they don’t, because the universe likes to surprise you. It often has better plans. However, I am saying that if this dream is truly for you, it will happen; in one way, or another. So don’t give up, get creative, and allow yourself to be open to new possibilities.

Dream Big

Remember, no dream is too big for the universe to deliver. Allow yourself to fully want what you desire and to feel those feelings. Allow yourself to enjoy the journey of desire itself. Every manmade creation around you right now, was once just a thought. It was a dream floating around in someone’s mind until they acted on it: every building, every street light, every cellphone, everything. The world around you now, are just millions of dreams made manifest. Yours can too.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Lao Tzu

1. Set the Intention

Before you set out to manifest anything, you need to be clear on what you’re manifesting. The truth is you’re always manifesting, even when you’re not trying to. The law of transmutation states, energy is always moving into form. The So in reality, it’s not if you’ll manifest, but what. So the key to directing your manifestation is to be mindful and intentional of what you desire to create; or rather, co-create with the universe. Get clear on what you want.

  • What does it look like?
  • How does it feel to have it?
  • What is the feeling you desire to create for yourself through having this in your life?

2. Know Your Why

Always know your why. This is one of the most crucial steps to seeing your dream through, and here’s why. You will meet challenges along the way. And you will likely face multiple obstacles throughout your journey. You need to be able to withstand them. You need to be able to adapt, and to push yourself to keep going when you feel like giving up. The why isn’t for other people, it’s for you. The thing to keep you going when things get tough, will be your why. So take the time to be really honest with yourself to ask,

  • Why do I truly want this?
  • Why does this matter to me?
  • How is this going to make me feel?

Clarify Your Reasons

Be clear on all of your reasons, even the not so respectable ones. You have to acknowledge the shadows, just as much as the light. When you aren’t aware of the shadow aspects driving you, they can undermine you. Face them, so you make decisions from a more conscious space. Be honest about the different factors motivating you, and recognize when a dream may not be your own.

  • Are these truly your dreams?
  • Are they someone else’s?

Sometimes the two coincide, and other times people hold conditioned dreams that aren’t actually their own. These desires may feel hollow, and probably won’t excite you in the way your true desires do. Discovering your why will help you clarify this too. Ultimately, if what you’re striving for isn’t actually your dream or isn’t anymore, ask yourself what do you actually want? Go within, find the answers, and take it from there.

3. Don’t Let Others Discourage You

The dream was given to you, not them. It may not make sense to other people, and if it’s a big one it probably won’t, but that’s okay. No one else truly needs to understand your dream besides you. The divine saw the possibility through you. The dream wouldn’t have been given to you if you weren’t capable of achieving it. Essentially, you wouldn’t have had the dream if you weren’t the right person for the job. So trust yourself, and trust your intuition. Don’t let other people discourage you from pursuing what you want in life. Follow your dream.

4. Take Action

One step a day is all it takes. And no, I’m not saying to do the bare minimum. If you’ve got big dreams, it’s probably gonna take some work. But regardless, of how big or little your dreams are, just take action. Take a step towards it, even if it’s small. Every step counts, and takes you that much closer to what you desire. Sometimes all you can do is one small thing, and that’s okay. You’re not always gonna be 100%. It doesn’t have to be a sprint to the finish line. You can enjoy the journey, and trust in divine timing. If you fall off the wagon, get back up. Focus on one thing at a time, and try not to get overwhelmed by the big picture. The big picture idea is helpful to envision where you want to go, but ultimately it’s the actions you take on a regular basis that get you there. Don’t overlook the present moment, and the small ways you can take advantage of it. Have fun, show up, and stay consistent.

5. Get Creative

As I mentioned earlier, dreams don’t always manifest how or when you expect them to, that’s okay. The universe has a better plan. Trust in divine timing, and be open to creative ideas that present themselves. There’s always more than one way to achieve something, even if your mind can only see one. The universe isn’t limited to the confines of human thought. Opportunities are everywhere. You just have to get creative, and be open minded.

Try new things. People often try to achieve something by doing the same thing that didn’t work, but harder. This isn’t to say to this isn’t an option, but maybe there’s a better way. Try something new, and do something different. Try something you wouldn’t usually do. Also, get comfortable feeling a little uncomfortable at first. Sometimes in order to become who we need to be to achieve our dreams, we need to stretch. Obviously, listen to your intuition and do so safely; but be willing to try new things, and expand yourself in new ways. Do the research, think out of the box, and put your dream out there.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Albert Einstein

You never know what resources will find you when you actively set out to achieve something. Help may find you in the most mysterious ways. Sometimes it comes in the form of a person, a podcast, a YouTube video, a blog post (wink, wink), or a book. You never know! The resources you need will find you, but you keep an open mind.

6. Be Present for the Obstacles

Know that the obstacles you face are not placed there to discourage you, but to empower you. In Gabby Bernstein’s book, the Universe Has Your Back, she says, “Obstacles are detours in the right direction.” I whole heartedly believe this to be true. Obstacles are there to get you back in alignment with your purpose and your truth, not to deter you. Every obstacle is an opportunity to grow, and to move through previous limitations. They are there to help you become the person you need to be to fully receive and sustain your dream. The universe could deliver everything you desired in a week, but would this give you the time and growth you need to truly enjoy and receive it?

The buffer period between intention and manifestation is a blessing. It is the time it takes to align you and your life with what you truly desire. This often comes in the form of inner work, and clearing mental and physical blocks. Clearing these blocks makes it easier for your dream to manifest. These obstacles will help you face self limiting beliefs, habits, and thought patterns that do not serve you. The situations that are not aligned will crumble, and the ones that are, will come together. The universe will never give you anything you cannot handle. However, it will push you to heal you and grow, just as a loving mother would. But you are always supported.

7. Release Attachment to the Outcome

Recognize that what you truly want to feel, already lies within you. It’s not outside of you, or in any achievement, person, or object. It’s there right now. Notice that when you take a couple of moments to detach from mental chatter and external stimuli, deep down you’ll feel peace. Typically, everything you want boils down to one or two key emotions. Although, external circumstances can help activate these emotions they aren’t dependent on it. Release attachment to the outcome by appreciating the beauty that already exists. The things that are meant for you, will not miss you. They will manifest in their own time, one way or the other. It’s okay to relax, and have faith.

8. Don’t Wait

Don’t wait to feel how you want to feel in the future. Start feeling how you want to feel now, in the present moment. You don’t have to wait for external things to manifest to give yourself this permission. Allow yourself to experience the feelings that accompany your desire. Not only does this make you feel good, but it also vibrationally aligns with what you want to create. The more you embody those feelings, the more you align with what you want to manifest. You attract what you are.

9. Allow Yourself to Be Led

Sometimes when you’re pursuing one dream you’ll be lead to another. This isn’t bad. If you’re feeling called to another path, or a specific expression of your dream, don’t resist it. Trust what you are drawn to. Sometimes the universe uses one dream to get us closer to another. The journey teaches you and moulds you along the way. It’s okay to expand and grow beyond what you previously wanted. If that’s happening for you, or has, that’s okay. The universe often has better plans for us than the ones we can think of for ourselves, even if we don’t understand them at first. Lean in, and trust. Your intuition will always guide you in the right direction.

10. Don’t Give Up

If something truly lights you up, pursue it. If you can’t stop thinking about it, explore it. You know in your heart what you came here to do, you don’t need permission to embrace that. If you truly want something, don’t give up on it. It doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else, but you. Dreams and desires were give to you by the divine for a reason. They were meant for you, and they are your dreams to act on; because the divine knew that you had everything within you to see it through. They are your dreams, whispered into your ear. They are meant to be honored. But the choice is always up to you. You have free will. But at the end of the day, if your deciding factor lies in the question, “What if it doesn’t work?” Please ask yourself, “What if it does?”


You don’t need to see the entire path ahead to take the next step. You just need to focus on the present moment, and take the next right step for you. Your intuition will lead you, so trust it. It may not always make logical sense, but it guide you to where you need to go. The more you listen, the more things will flow. Take one step at a time, and the path will unfold as you continue to step forward. If it’s truly your dream, don’t give up. Keep going, and support will find you along the way.

When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.

Paulo Coelho

What are the dreams that have been dancing around in your mind? And what will you do with them?

Love, Simone.

The Alchemist’s Moon

