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How to Enjoy the Present Moment | 12 Great Tips!

How to Enjoy the Present Moment | 12 Great Tips!

1. Be Here Now

Be present. All you have is right now. Your life can be beautiful and fulfilling exactly where you are. This isn’t to say get rid of all your dreams and desires. Feeling desire is a beautiful gift, and it can help guide us to living our soul’s purpose. However, part of the key to truly enjoying life in any circumstance is learning to love what you already have. The more you learn to love where you are, and what you have, the more you attract greater things to be grateful for.

2. Happiness is Already Here

The point of beauty and abundance is now. It’s already right here. Gabby Bernstein quotes in her book, The Universe Has Your Back, a small excerpt from A Course in Miracles saying “‘the light has come.'” This means the beauty and joy you seek is already here, right now. It’s not in two weeks when you get that job, or in three months when you lose 5 pounds. It’s now. Your access point to joy and abundance is the present moment.

3. Find Light in the Present

Yes, sometimes life can be difficult; and at points it may seem like impossible to focus on the good. But shifting your focus towards gratitude for what you have is like building a muscle, the more you use it the more it grows. Just keep trying to find the light in the dark, and peace amongst the chaos. Choose to focus your attention towards what’s going right when you’re fixating on what’s going wrong. This makes difficult times feel more bearable, and can even help you find joy where you thought it may have been impossible. Look for the silver lining.

4. Shift Negative Thoughts To Slightly More Positive Ones

Gabby Bernstein also discusses her “Choose Again Method” in the book, Super Attractor. The method is geared towards stopping negative thoughts and helping elevate your vibration to more positive ones. So in essence, you choose the next best thought or feeling after the lower vibrational one you’re feeling. Honestly, I’ve found this really does help quickly shift you back into alignment with a higher vibration. Click here to learn more.

5. Take Baby Steps

And you don’t have to make instant leaps and bounds when you do this. That’s not realistic or believable to your mind. You don’t have to go from some saying something like “life is shit” to “my life is beautiful and amazing.” Take baby steps. So instead, first recognize you’re having that specific negative thought, then forgive yourself and be compassionate. Then make baby micro shifts that shift your thoughts to something slightly better to build yourself back up. For instance, maybe rather than saying life is shit, try saying, “life isn’t completely terrible, at least I’m breathing,” or “at least I have food,” or “at least I still have my best friend.”

6. Feel Gratitude in the Present Moment

Whatever it is, there is always something to be grateful for. We all have at least one thing or one person to be grateful for, even if it’s simply appreciating the fact that you’re alive and able to read this blog. Another day of life, means another opportunity to find beauty in the life you have or create the one you want. Making these regular mini pivots towards gratitude not only helps raise your vibration, but also makes your life more enjoyable as we continue to focus on the blessings rather just the challenges.

7. Be Mindful of the Present Moment

Time and people are the two resources you can never get back once they’re gone. How do you choose to use yours? Do spend most of your time focusing on what’s going wrong or what’s going right? Stop telling yourself, “Oh, I’ll be happy when …” Yes, sometimes a change in circumstances really does make easier and more enjoyable. However, try not to condition your mind into believing that happiness lies in the future, or that you can’t enjoy life because of x,y, and z. You still can, even if it’s in small ways.

8. Focus On What You Love

There is always some beauty and joy to experience in life, even the way it’s experienced changes. True happiness stems from within. It’s often rooted in love, peace, and freedom. So even though certain circumstances can help alleviate stress and add a level of joy to our life, true happiness isn’t dependent on external situations or material items. Learn to shift your awareness towards what is going right in your life. Focus on what you have, not what you lack.

9. Be Mindful of Your Thoughts

If you continue to focus on lack, you will always find more lack. If you continue to focus on gratitude you will always find something to be grateful for. Energy flows where attention goes. So shift your attention towards what you want to see grow in life. You’ve probably had an experience before where you decided you wanted something, and then all of a sudden you started seeing it everywhere.

Your brain is highly intelligent. When you train it to focus on something specific, it will continue to identify that thing wherever you go. So you feel as if you see, but really just start noticing, more and more of that specific thing. So shift your mental focus to start seeing more of what you actually want rather than what you don’t. On an energetic level, you attract what you feel. And your thoughts and beliefs dictate the way you feel on a regular basis. Shift your thoughts to focus on what you love and appreciate now, to attract more of what you love into your life.

10. Carpe Diem

Capitalize on this moment. Make now the best moment you can whatever it may be, because you never know which one is your last. Cliche, I know, but it’s true. This human life is finite, and inevitably will end. So spend this moment, making it the most pleasurable and meaningful you can no matter where you are. If you’re at work, how can you make it slightly better. What about this moment brings you joy, what is happening right now. How do you feel? Tap in to the wisdom and gift of this present moment. What are the small things that make it beautiful, in its own unique way?

11. Appreciate What You Have in the Present

Again, this comes back to gratitude which is really important. But think about how much more fulfilling life might be if you focused on enjoying the riches of the present moment, rather than solely focusing what you don’t have. The future is never guaranteed. The only time that is, is right now. This isn’t to say not to dream about how you want your future to be. Believing in your dreams, and working towards them is good. But, it’s also extremely important to appreciate the blessings that are already with you now. This is how you learn to genuinely appreciate every moment, including the ones where you get what you truly want. People always want more, when they don’t know how to appreciate what they have. Gratitude helps cultivate a sense of genuine fulfillment regardless of circumstances. The more you are able to grasp and appreciate the blessings that are present now, the more you are able to appreciate the blessings of the future.

12. Feel How You Want to Feel Now

It’s beautiful to have hope and desire, but the truth is you can feel everything you long to feel in the future now. Everything you desire to feel already resides within you. And the more you allow yourself to revel in those feelings in the present, the more you attract its physical equivalent into your life to. Experiencing the sensations you want to feel when you have it, starts right here. That’s already within you, and you have the power to tap into that energy anytime you choose. So enjoy that, and let it guide you.


Remember, the past and the future don’t exist. All that exists is the present moment. Choose to live the life you love right now or at least take steps towards it, because the truth is the future is never guaranteed. Choose to make this moment the best it could possibly be whatever it is. What can you do to make this moment more meaningful, joyful, nurturing, or inspiring? How can you make today align more with the life you’ve always wanted to live? How can you free yourself to be more of the person you’ve always truly wanted to be? Whatever it is, take action. Live your truth, and cultivate a life you truly love to live and want to be fully present for. Your happiness matters. Go live a life you love.

The Alchemist’s Moon

