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Self Acceptance | A Key to Living Authentically

Self Acceptance

Self acceptance means radically embracing yourself for all that you are right now, and loving yourself anyway. And this doesn’t mean in two months when you lose 15 pounds, or in 2 years when you’re married and have your career together. It means accepting yourself in all circumstances, regardless of any perceived imperfections, for who you truly are. And knowing that despite all of the things you may perceive that make you “less than” or “not enough,” that you are enough and are lovable exactly as you are. You are human, and therefore you are imperfect. But this does not make you, or anyone else, any less worthy of love and compassion. Forgive and release all the people and situations that made you feel any less lovable.

Remember, You are Lovable As You Are

Love is your essence. You are always lovable, and worthy of love. Stop rejecting or avoiding it, because you believe you’re not enough or not worthy of it yet. You are. You don’t have to do anything, or be anyone besides who you truly are to be worthy of being loved. You always are worthy of love, and you always were. And you’re still worthy now. The situations that convinced you otherwise, were just placed in your life to help you grow and come back to that truth.

Release Fear for Self Acceptance

You are love. Being your authentic self, is enough. You’re worthy of it as you are. You can access the love inside of you whenever you want. Stop believing you need to reach for something or someone outside of you to receive it. You can feel it now. Open your heart to genuine love from yourself and others, and allow it in. Allow love to flow to you and through you to nourish you. Because love is life, it helps nourish us in ways foods and materials can’t, and heals wounds that can’t be seen. So accept love and give it when you can. Don’t let your fears of rejection push it away or shut it down all together. You are worthy. Exactly as you are. You are love, be a home and beacon for it. 

Be Yourself to Free Yourself

You’re still lovable, no matter what, period. Yes, even with all of your imperfections. So stop fitting yourself into some uncomfortable box that wasn’t made for you. Embrace and embody your wild authentic self, because no matter what, the truth is that you are lovable. Always were, are, and will be. All of the people that hurt you, are lovable too, but they forgot that. People hurt others out of fear. Often they project by shaming others for the same things they think make them unlovable onto you. But that is not your pain or problem to carry. So forgive them, because your forgiveness not only helps free them, but ultimately frees you.

Forgive Yourself and Others

Forgiveness alleviates the pain and burden of holding hate and resentment in your heart. It lifts your vibration, and allows you to move forward in your life. For those struggling with self forgiveness, know that you don’t need someone else’s permission or acceptance to forgive yourself and move forward. You are still allowed to heal, and are still worthy of receiving genuine love. Rejection and an unwillingness to forgive, doesn’t help bring you or anyone else back to the truth that we are all love. We are always lovable, and worthy of love. You don’t have to keep living a painful inauthentic life out of fear of losing it. Because you can never lose love, when you are love.

As cliche as it is, hurt people, hurt people. So love and heal yourself, so you can be a leader inspiring others to remember their own worthiness and lovability too. This is how we raise the collective through love. Remember,

A rising tide lifts all ships.


Be Authentic

Be yourself. People lose their sense of fulfillment when they start living lives that feel inauthentic and unaligned with their truth. So stop living a life that feels like it was never meant for you, or no longer is. Be real. Stop trying to live someone else’s life, stop reaching for someone else’s goals, and stop living up to someone else’s standards that don’t even align with your own. Be really honest with yourself for a moment, and answer these questions to yourself…

Is the life you’re pursuing one that you actually believe you want? Or is it the life you were told you should want? Does it seem worth it or exciting to you at the end of the day? Does the thought of the life you’re actively pursuing fill you with passion and joy?

Don’t Hide

Stop hiding yourself and dulling your self expression in order to secure or keep “love.” It’s not real love if it disappears when you embody who you truly are, that’s approval. Be bold, regardless of what others may think. Stop holding yourself back, out of fear that others will reject you if you show your authentic self; the right people will stay. Remember, you’re worth it. And the freedom and peace that comes from honoring and expressing your authentic self, is much greater than any temporary joy that may come from anyone else’s approval or validation.

Focus on Self Acceptance

The only validation that truly matters, is your own. Your joy and happiness is more important. So be yourself regardless, of what anyone says or thinks, and love who you are. Because you’re amazing, and your unique light is meant to shine. Remember, you’re lovable no matter what, and exactly as you are. Honor your needs, desires, authentic self, and soul’s calling as a way of expressing that love back to yourself. Live in authentic ways to secure your own genuine self love and self acceptance.

Practice Self Validation

Care more about securing and rooting yourself in your own self love and self acceptance first, rather someone else’s approval. I know this seems easier said than done, and if you’ve been afraid and hiding yourself for a while it takes time. And yes it takes courage, but every step you take to express and embody more of your authentic self is worth it. I’ve been there, and still struggle with it now and then, but overtime it gets easier and easier to the point where being your authentic self just becomes natural. And let me tell you, the feeling you get whenever you express your truest self and have fun with that, is more valuable than any validation you could ever find outside of yourself.

Don’t Take It Personally

Not everyone is going to like you, and that’s okay. Whether you are hiding and dulling your self down, or being your fully authentic self, someone is bound to dislike you. And quite frankly, that’s your not your problem. You simply cannot please everyone, and it’s not your responsibility to. Your responsibility is to please and fulfill yourself. Fill your cup first. So love yourself, be yourself, and accept yourself, because you are enough exactly as you are.

Shine Your Light

When you express your authentic self, you attract people that genuinely like you for you. So be bold enough to be vulnerable with the world, and allow yourself to be seen. By doing this not only will you get to discover and love yourself for who you truly, but you also attract your tribe. The right people will see you shine, and be drawn to your light. The wrong people will fall away. Know that anyone’s rejection or acceptance of you, is not a true reflection of your lovability, worth, worthiness, value, or beauty. Regardless of who leaves or enters your life, remember that you are enough as you. So you don’t have to hide, morph, or shift yourself into anyone or anything that doesn’t feel true for you. Secure your own self acceptance before anyone else’s, that is what matters most.

Remember, You are Love. 

Regardless, know that you are love; and as much as the people pleaser in you would probably rejoice at getting one specific person’s external validation, it’s not worth the expense of compromising your own self validation and happiness. Try not to fixate on external judgement. It pales in comparison to the fulfillment that comes from living a life that feels authentic and joyful for you. Follow your truth regardless of whether people approve or understand, they don’t have to. As long as it harms none, do ya thing. You’re never going to please everyone, despite how ideal that may seem. So just focus on doing what gives you a deep sense of genuine joy, love, and fulfillment. That’s the key to freedom and rediscovering the wild wise self. 

Be Patient With Yourself 

No one is perfect, and the journey towards authentic living takes practice. Self acceptance takes time and commitment. Give yourself the time you need to build the confidence and sense of safety you need to express yourself. Everybody moves at different rates, and you’re gonna be ready when you’re ready, but do remember that it’s okay to gently push yourself to step out of your comfort zone. You’re probably not always gonna be 100% in alignment with your authentic self all the time, so forgive yourself when you notice you’re not.

Do What Makes You Feel Like You

You were conditioned to mold yourself into someone else’s standards, of what makes an acceptable or lovable human for most of your life. Recognize it’s gonna take some time to move through and past that. Be compassionate with yourself, and keep going. Do the next thing that makes you feel more you. As long as you have the intention of remaining true to your most authentic self you’re already halfway there, just keep listening to where your heart is guiding you, and follow that. It’s a dynamic journey, so be open and enjoy the ride.

Heal Old Wounds 

It’s okay if the pain from previous rejection still hurts or creeps up now and then. If it was deep that’s natural, and it’s gonna take some time to heal. Just know that people reject what they can’t accept within themselves externally too. And that someone’s poor treatment of you, is more of a reflection of their own relationship to their self worth and sense of lovability than of your own. You always were and still are lovable. And the pain you experienced can now bless you with an expanded capacity to impart love and greater compassion to yourself and others. 

Don’t Feed Your Fears 

Hiding yourself reinforces the subconscious fear based belief, that you’re not good enough as you are; and that you have to do something, or be someone else in order to be loved, lovable, or accepted. Your subconscious mind picks up on everything; so what you don’t do communicates just as much to your subconscious beliefs as what you actively do. Make sure your actions, or lack thereof, are communicating to your subconscious mind that it’s safe for you to be yourself; and that you are worthy of being seen and accepted as you are. You have to reprogram the internal belief that made you hide to begin with. Don’t feed that fear based belief or inner child wound with more reasons to believe that what you feared was true, because it’s not. 

Nourish Your Inner Child 

You need to nourish that inner child with your whole heart and all the unconditional love they need. Show them, that truly embracing and expressing your real self, is the only way to truly attract, embody, and feel genuine unconditional love. Because if people only love or accept the version of you that you permit them to see, whether it’s fake or not entirely true, you will never know if people are truly able to love you for you, and that fear based belief that you are not lovable as you are will continue to linger and grow. Because your actions are communicating that you are not lovable or enough as you are. So be yourself, see who stays and see who goes; but first, notice the freedom, love, and peace that emerges from living in your authenticity. 

Be Bold 

It may be scary or nerve wracking to be authentic and genuine, in a relatively inauthentic world that often capitalizes on getting you to feel less than in order to conform. But the truth is the world doesn’t need you to be anyone or everyone else. The world needs you to be yourself, so you can shine your authentic light and free others to do the same. This shift starts with you, every collective movement starts with an individual, that then grows. But more than that, you need to be yourself, love yourself, and accept yourself.

Cultivate Self Acceptance for Inner Peace

Truly believe and remember that you are lovable and enough exactly as you are. This is when the inner peace comes in. When the external begins to match and reflect the authentic internal truth, you feel at ease. You are at peace, and you draw more peaceful circumstances aligned with your true self towards you, by aligning with this frequency. The things that don’t serve you, and that are not aligned, will fall away. That’s okay. The right circumstances and people will come when the time is right; and they will be drawn towards and aligned with your light. This is when you create a genuine sense of connection and community within the world. Your real tribe will come when you show up as you truly are. But more than that, the deep sense of love you’ve always desired will also emerge, but from and for yourself. 

P.S. You are so worthy, show the world who you really are. It needs it. And remember, you are love, so it can never leave you. It goes wherever you go, because it is the essence of who you are. Nothing you do can ever take this away from you.

Love, Simone

The Alchemist’s Moon

