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7 Tips to Stay Consistent to Achieve Your Dreams

Consistency is key. We’ve all heard it, but sometimes it feels easier said than done. Sometimes during the manifestation journey, it can feel difficult to stay consistent and to see it through, especially in the face of challenges. But don’t give up. If you truly have a burning desire to manifest a dream, it’s for a reason. It was given to you by the divine; and it was given to you, because the Universe knew you’re capable of seeing it through. However, this doesn’t mean there won’t be obstacles or challenges along the way. During those moments more than others, your determination can feel tested. I’ve been there, I know. However, I also know you’re a powerful being filled with infinite creative potential. So I know you’re capable of overcoming it, and that you’re more than capable of seeing it through. Here are 7 simple, but effective tips, to help you get through those rough patches and achieve your dreams. I’ve used these to keep me consistent towards achieving my dreams, and they can help you stay consistent as well.

1. Be Compassionate

You’re not always going to be perfect and show up 100% percent all of the time. However, people always do the best they can in the present moment. Even if it’s not your ultimate best, it’s your best in that moment. Be compassionate with yourself on the days you falter. If you’re struggling to show up for your dreams, celebrate the fact that you still showed up. Showing up to put any effort towards your dream is a win within itself, because you didn’t give up. Every bit of effort counts. So be compassionate with yourself, be kind, and do the best you can in the moment.

2. Celebrate Small Victories

Every win counts, even if it’s a small one. I had a wise friend tell me once, “think of all the ways you showed up for yourself today.” Whether it be showing up for yourself, or for the vision you want to manifest, celebrate it. If you’re writing a book and wrote two sentences, celebrate it. If you want to get fit and worked out for ten minutes, celebrate it. Celebrate all of the small ways to showed up for yourself and your dreams, even if it was something as tiny as switching out a donut for a piece of fruit. You made progress, and that progress pushed you that much closer to achieving your goals. Regardless, of how small or large it is, every step closer is worthy of celebration. So give yourself credit, and focus on all of the ways you showed up.

3. Remember Your Why

When the going gets tough, remembering your why becomes a must. Whatever your powerful why is for pursuing your dream, is going to be the motivation to keep you going. Sometimes on the manifestation journey you encounter challenges and obstacles, whether they be internal or external, your persistence is the key to seeing it through. Many people quit when they start to face difficulties. You don’t have to be one of these people. You’re powerful, and more than capable enough to see it through. You can do tough things, and overcome them. However, one of the best ways to motivate you to push through a challenge is to come back to your why.

  • Why does this dream mean so much to you?
  • Why is it necessary you see it through?
  • How will it feel to have that?

Tap into those same burning desires and emotions now, and use this to motivate you to keep going. This is what’s gonna help you push through.

Winners never quit, and quitters never win.

Vince Lombardi

4. Connect With Your Tribe

It takes a village! This is both applicable for raising children, and achieving a dream. When the going gets tough, seek support; even if that’s just a shoulder to cry on, a hug, or a good vent session. No man is an island, and no one is meant to go through their life’s journey alone. This is especially true when you’re going through challenging times, and when you’re struggling to keep consistent with a goal. Sometimes it seems easier to give up in the moment, but in the long term, it’s not. When you abandon a dream that was meant for you, it stays with you. So if you’re truly struggling to keep going, don’t give up. Seek support, and connect with other high vibe souls working towards similar aspirations. This helps encourage you to keep going, and makes the manifestation journey feel less lonely, and more enjoyable. Surround yourself with positive people who have achieved their goals, or actively are, to help refuel your inspiration and keep you accountable. If you don’t have those people in your life yet, find them. Create the support system you wish you had, or lead your own.

5. Make it Fun

Sometimes the manifestation journey can feel kind of boring if it involves a lot of routine or menial tasks. So try to add some fun elements to shake up the energy, and raise your vibe. Sometimes we get so focused on feeling like we have to do something to achieve our goals, we forget it’s a privilege to get to work towards them at all. Instead of approaching your creation journey with a sense of dread or burden, make it fun and exciting. Try adding music, dance, aromatherapy, or connecting with friends a part of your creation process. Change the environment, and do things that make the process enjoyable itself. The journey is meant to be enjoyed too, not just the destination. Make the most of every step, and try to find joy in every part. See the process as a reward, rather than just a means to an end result. Add fun to your daily life, and savor this part of the manifestation too. Have fun regularly to lighten your mood, and help you stay consistent towards your achieving your dream.

6. Do Your Best

Stay consistent, and do your best in the moment. Sometimes your best might be taking the whole cake, and other times it might just be taking a bite. That’s okay. As mentioned earlier, you’re human, you’re not going to be perfect. The good thing is, you don’t need to be perfect to achieve your dreams. You don’t even need to have it all figured out, nor should you. Focus on progress, not perfection; and take some aligned action regardless of how imperfect you think it is. Perfection is a highly subjective ideal that isn’t necessary for manifestation. So don’t fixate on being perfect, and beat yourself up when you’re not. You’re enough as you are, and whatever your best is in the moment, is enough. Show up, do what you can, and keep going.

7. Focus on Gratitude

Focus on the good, and you’ll see more of it. What you focus on, you find. Shift your mindset to focus on the things that are thriving in your life, to help motivate you and raise your vibration. Based on the law of attraction you attract what you are; and when you’re grateful, you attract more things to feel grateful for. Beyond this, this also just helps you maintain an optimistic mindset. Optimism helps you think positively and hold hope despite any challenges you endure. Sometimes faith and hope alone are all we need to keep going. Your mindset matters. When you believe you have more beautiful things to look forward to, you’re encouraged to keep going or create it.


Regardless of whether you show up or not, remember that you’re always worthy of love. Your lovability is not conditional, and it’s not dependent on what you do or don’t achieve. You’re always worthy and lovable exactly as you are, remember that. However, I find one of the best ways to show yourself love is to allow yourself to pursue what you desire most. It’s an act of love, for yourself and for the collective. As you do this show up for yourself is with compassion, and be consistent towards your dreams. You don’t have to be perfect in the pursuit of them, but the pursuit alone reminds you you’re worthy of having them, and gives you the opportunity to make it reality. You never know when your manifestation will come into form, and sometimes it’s closer than you think. Don’t give up. You’ve got this, and you’re not alone.

Love, Simone.

The Alchemist’s Moon




  • Jessica

    This is a fantastic reminder & way to reframe. “Sometimes we get so focused on feeling like we have to do something to achieve our goals, we forget itโ€™s a privilege to get to work towards them at all.”

    Thank you for giving me a fresh perspective on a day things feel hard!

    • Simone Patricia

      You’re welcome love! I’m glad it helps!!