The Universe is always speaking… Are you listening?
Throughout several points of my conscious spiritual journey I’ve felt confused and sought guidance. I wondered how to communicate with the Universe, and how it communicated with me. I would speak to other spiritual people and ask, “Well how do you know?” And very often I’d be met with the same answer I find myself giving today, “You just know.”
Annoying right?
As frustrating as this answer was, I now get it. Once you’re tuned in to the language of the Universe, you don’t really tune out. The things that baffled you before just make sense, and you don’t question it as much, you just listen and feel what the Universe is trying to say.
How Do You Know When the Universe is Speaking to You?
The best way I can describe it, is an inner knowing. Overtime, you learn to trust this inner knowing more and more, and know that it will always lead you in the right direction. After taking action on it, and receiving repeatedly great results, you built more trust in it; and then it just starts to feel safe. It doesn’t come from a place of fear or panic, but a place of peace.
Omens are a language, it’s the alphabet we develop to speak to the world’s soul, or the universe’s, or God’s, whatever name you want to give it. Like an alphabet, it is individual, you only learn it by making mistakes, and that keeps you from globalizing the spiritual quest.
Paulo Coelho
But how do this apply to you?
Well, because I’ve been through this somewhat frustrating journey, I know that saying you just know doesn’t exactly help at first. Trusting your intuition is like a growing a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets; and the more confident you feel trusting it. The way your intuition communicates best with you is unique to you and your primary intuitive gifts. Read this for more guidance. However, I’ll share some of the strange, less discussed ways the Universe communicated with me on my spiritual journey that are still primary ways it speaks to me now. Pay attention to some of the ways the Universe spoke to you in the past, and notice which of these strange ways it might be using now to communicate with you that you may be ignoring or unaware of.
1. Animals
On my spiritual journey and awakening one of the primary ways the universe communicated with me was through animals. I would dream of them, and see specific ones repeatedly throughout my day or week. I would see or hear them in either physical, virtual, or verbal form. The same animal, or animals, would constantly reappear at certain points in my life. Pay attention to what animals may be appearing repeatedly in your life, and notice how you feel when you see them. They may be there to help you embody that energy within your life at a certain time, or maybe it’s a message from a passed on relative.
- What about this animal stands out to you and what energy comes through when you think of them?
- Is it strength, love, protection, powerful, gentleness, safety?
Whatever it is, that may be some of the energy you’re being called to embody or incorporate into your life journey right now. It could also be a symbolic good omen of something to come, like a butterfly for transformation or fish for fertility. It may be a sign showing you you’re on the right path, especially if you always see it before something amazing happens.
Pay attention to what different animals mean for you and what feelings or thoughts come up when you see them. Ask yourself why.
- What might this be guiding you towards or hinting is soon to come?
- What does it mean to you?
Meditating on these animals may be helpful. Be mindful of what pops up for you first, then if you feel called look up the symbolism for that animal. Pay attention to what they were doing when you saw them. This may also provide more information as to what the Universe is trying to communicate to you.
2. Music
Sometimes the universe will share a message with you through music or song lyrics. You may hear it on the radio, on shuffle, or even through a mysterious tune stuck in your head. If you listen closely the lyrics may be aligned with a message you need to hear or resonate very deeply with what you’re going through, and share some wisdom. This is another way for the universe to share messages with you. This may be easier to recognize for those whose primary psychic gift is clairaudience.
3. Repeated Numbers (Angel Numbers)
Angel numbers or repeated numbers have been a primary way the Universe speaks to me to get my attention in my spiritual journey, and may be for you as well. These can be any set of repeating numbers or number sequences you keep seeing like: 333, 111, 555, 4444, or even 311 or 1212. The angel numbers go on, and I’ve seen quite a variety in my day. If you’re clairvoyant this may be more prominent for you, and could potentially startle you with how intense it may be at the beginning. Please know that you don’t have to be scared. It’s primarily just your angels, guides, or higher self trying to communicate with you and send you a message. When you elevate your vibration you’re more able to perceive them.
Different numbers have different meanings. However, sometimes it could just be reaffirming an intuitive thought letting you had, letting you know that you’re on the right path and that you’re supported. I highly recommend that you pay attention to what you were thinking or feeling in the moment you saw the angel number. Pay attention to what themes have been prominent in your life, like: personal growth, expansion, change, family healing, alignment etc. Consult your own intuition and what you feel the message is first, then look it up if you so choose.
Knowing basic numerological meanings like the symbolism and energy of the number 1, 2, 3 etc.., can help you interpret and understand what meaning the angel number means for you. However, always trust your intuition first, then if you feel called or curious look it up. Always take what resonates and leave the rest behind. If it doesn’t feel aligned for you, it probably isn’t.
Different numbers can mean different things for different people, not say either is right or wrong, but sometimes spirit will use your own interpretations and associations to get a message to you in a more precise way. For instance, maybe you see the number of your passed on grandfathers birthday, and intuitively feel like that’s a sign of him supporting you, trust that. Trust what comes through, and mentally say thank you for sign. When you feel a sense of gratitude for the Universe speaking to you, it takes that as an energetic permission slip to keep speaking.
4. Other People
Sometimes the universe will communicate to you via other people. This may really random like someone texting you exactly what you need to hear at the perfect moment. It could also be overhearing someone speaking on the street with the exact answer you were looking for. Or maybe someone reaffirming the same intuitive nudge or feeling your intuition gave you earlier.
It’s typically one of those moments, that makes you think,
- “That’s so strange, I was just thinking about that earlier!”
- Or “That’s exactly what I needed to hear.”
However, with this form of communication it’s really important to listen to your intuition for reassurance to make you don’t mistake other people projecting their own personal fears or insecurities onto you as universal guidance. The Universe does not communicate through fear, that’s ego. Always listen to your own inner guidance first, and be aware of sporadic incidents where you hear messages reaffirming subtle intuitive hits or nudges, this can be a way the universe is showing you you’re on the right track.
5. Driftwood
According to Abraham Hicks, the author of the book the Law of Attraction, driftwood is a sign that you’re on the right path towards manifesting what you desire. It is a sign that what you are manifesting is getting closer and closer to materializing into your physical reality, because it already is but through someone else’s experience. If you have noticed that people around you keep manifesting what you want, it’s actually a positive sign from the universe showing it’s manifesting more into your field and that you’re on the right path. You attract what you are. You wouldn’t have attracted seeing this in your physical reality if a part of you wasn’t in alignment with it. So for lack of better words; don’t hate, appreciate!
When you celebrate the success and manifestations of others as if they were your own, you raise your vibration and align with the frequency of celebration and success. This causes you to attract more things to celebrate in life, but also reaffirms to the universe that this is what you want and that you’re ready and open to receive it.
The Universe can communicate in strange and mysterious ways, and these are just a few of them. I mention these, because these were some of the primary ways I knew the Universe was speaking to me that weren’t as talked about. Just know that overtime the more connected you are to your intuition, the more you’ll be able to notice them. Overtime you stop questioning it as much, and you just know. You’ll start to be able to decipher between intuition and your mind. You’ll know when those song lyrics are a message for you, or when that wild animal crossing the street is for you too. The more you tune in to the signs, the more you’ll recognize them. It’s also important to be grateful when you receive one, this lets the Universe know that you’re open and ready to receive more.
The universe communicating with you is a felt experience, you feel it when it’s a sign. You feel when you are being guided, and you feel it’s communication. How you receive and perceive these messages may be different for you depending on your dominant intuitive gift. It may be through something you see, hear, feel, know, or sense; maybe it’s even through a dream. Pay attention to how you receive it best, and honor your intuition by listening to it. Remember to be patient and learn to trust what’s coming up for you. When one sign means something to someone else, it may mean something different for you, and that doesn’t invalidate either’s intuition. The Universe is always communicating. The more you listen, the more you’ll understand. You’ve got this.
God has prepared a path for everyone to follow. You just have to read the omens that He left for you.
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
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3 years agoLove this so much! I see all of these all the time and it’s reassuring to know I am in good hands. I have had some emotional days lately so this feels good to me to remind myself to keep trusting. Thank you for this divine wisdom!
Simone Patricia
3 years ago AUTHORYes! You are in good hands, the Universe has got you always. Sometimes, we just have to relearn how to trust and surrender which can feel a lot easier said than done at times. So glad this post could help remind you of that support and divine connection. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, it’s always there. We just need to tune in. You’re more than welcome for the post, thank you so much for reading. Wishing you an abundance of blessings and divine support on your journey Angeli! You’ve got this.💛 It’s 1155 as I’m typing this yet another angel number ahaha and sign of affirmation.✨
3 years agoThis was a fantastic post. Music resonated with me the most, and I know I get a lot of messages that way. Looking at numbers as guides is something I have skimmed over in the past, and this helped me remember to look at everything.
My favorite part of the post was “The Universe does not communicate through fear, that’s ego.” A fantastic reminder. Also, for me sometimes the Universe is real, real funny. It’ll send something that’s so spot on I can’t help but laugh.
Thank you for the post 🙂
Simone Patricia
3 years ago AUTHOROh my god, thank you so much!! I appreciate all of your kind words and love to know it both helped and resonated! Also, yes the Universe can be really funny sometimes when it wants to communicate with you. It can be playful and obvious, and can feel like playing a fun game. This is so true, I love that you have that relationship with it! Sometimes you just gotta laugh and say “Universe, I GET IT! Message received!” 😂
Thanks for responding Jessica! 💛💛