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10 Tips to Create Powerful Change in Your Life

9 Tips to Create Powerful Change in Your Life

You are enough exactly as you are.

Let that sink in, because it’s a truth that I think many people forget. You’re already worthy as you are. Nothing in life makes you worthy or unworthy. You were simply born worthy of everything you truly desired. Your dreams and deepest desires were given to you for a reason. They’re within you, because they’re meant to guide you towards what your soul came here wanting to experience most; it’s a part of your purpose. When you allow feelings of unworthiness to block you from living the life you desire, you’re stopping yourself from carrying out what the Universe had planned for you. And you block yourself from receiving the gifts it would willingly deliver.

You don’t need to do anything, or be anyone besides who you already are to be worthy of living the life you desire. You already are, no strings attached. Take the fact that you have the desire alone, as your permission slip to pursue it. However, I know through personal and observed experience how challenging it can feel to break through certain self limiting beliefs when you haven’t done it before. But I assure you, it is possible; and you do have the power within you to free yourself from any beliefs, or circumstances, that don’t serve your highest good. So here are 10 powerful and effective tips that I’ve used to have many breakthroughs, that have created massive positive change in my life. These were incredibly effective for me, and I know when applied they will be for you too.

1. Notice Your Self Limiting Patterns

How do you self sabotage and get in your own way?

There are a lot of habits and behaviors that can impede you from living a life you desire. Everybody has their own. Sometimes they’re subtle; like finding creative ways to procrastinate that makes us feel productive, but doesn’t actually take us any closer to what we desire. And sometimes they can be blatant, like pushing away people or destroying situations, when they were the exact think we knew we wanted. Situations like this happening repeatedly can show you there’s a mental barrier, or limiting belief, that is subconsciously working against your conscious desires. These are the beliefs that limit your capacity to keep, or receive them, in your physical reality.

I find that the most common self limiting belief is that,

  • You’re unworthy.
  • Or, that you’re not enough because of some perceived flaw or limitation.

This belief can stop people temporarily, or long term; because they don’t believe they’re worthy enough to have or pursue the things they desire. Recognize the ways in which you stop yourself from doing what you want, and try to trace what the original belief is sustaining them.

Take some time to reflect on some of the behaviors or habits you have, that may be actively working against your ability to have or create the things you desire.

2. Identify Self Limiting Beliefs

A good way to start to identify your limiting beliefs is to start with the things that trigger you most, or your most recent trigger. Fun right? Obviously, go about this in safe, gentle, and compassionate way. Come with curiosity, not with criticism. However, if you have been or are repeatedly triggered, or repelled by something, I encourage you to look explore why. Don’t judge it or criticize, just be curious. Try to understand why certain things trigger, and what the underlying belief is causing it.

  • Do you resent someone for having something you believe you lack?
  • Do you judge people who act or live a certain lifestyle?
  • What are some of the small or large things that trigger you?

Ask yourself why. Why do you believe certain things are good or bad, and right or wrong? And does having this belief free you to live more of the life you want? Or does it inhibit you?

Chances are there’s a part of you you’re either suppressing and or rejecting, due to some self limiting belief. We typically reject and hide the parts of ourselves that we believe make us unlovable. But when we do this, we often limit our capacity to connect with and integrate those same parts. This ultimately causes us to feel an inner sense of lack or incompletion, and perpetuates that underlying belief of unlovability. But in reality, we don’t lack these parts of ourselves, we’ve simply moved them to the subconscious mind where we don’t have to consciously associate with them; and thus create our “shadows.”

However, the people who embody these qualities can act as mirrors or triggers that bring awareness to this unintegrated parts. And we can consciously use this to bring awareness to these shadow selves to gain clarity on any limiting subconscious beliefs. These are the qualities we typically either envy within, or project onto others, as a result of this misperceived lack and dissociation. People reject the parts of others that they won’t accept within themselves. I find one of the best ways to do deep a dive into understanding your wounds and self limiting beliefs is through shadow work. If you’re struggling to identify some of yours, that may be a good place to start.

3. Program New Beliefs

Once you’ve identified the limiting belief, change it. Awareness is the most important step towards implementing the changes you need. You can’t truly target a belief, when you don’t know what the belief is. So taking the time to be mindful, and become aware in this way is key. However, once you do gain this awareness, there are some tools you can use to reprogram new more empowering beliefs. Some of these include: positive affirmations, incantations, meditations, and hypnosis.

I recommend you start with the tool that feels most resonant, and alluring to you. If you choose to use any of them, pick versions focused on addressing the belief you want to change. So if you believe you can’t trust yourself and struggle with self confidence, choose or create powerful self confidence affirmations that make you feel like the most empowered and confident version of yourself. If you feel unworthy, choose affirmations or meditations that remind you of the deep unwavering worthiness you’ve always had within. You can both listen to, and repeat these to yourself as much as you need, and use whichever ones feel good in the moment. Always choose the affirmation that feels the most liberating or empowering for you. This may change from day to day based on what you currently need.

Observe Your Body

You’ll know which tools work best for you, because you’ll feel it. You may feel a shift both physically and emotionally. Physically you may feel this as a subtle expansion in different areas of your body. Different centers of your body are associated with different energies, and can store and release different emotions. Pay attention to what, and where you feel yours. If it’s an expansive feeling, it’s often a release of, or activation of energy, or indicates that something’s in alignment for you. If it’s a contraction, it may indicate you have some energy or emotions stored there that want to be released, acknowledged, and addressed.

4. Have a Daily Practice

As with all of those tools I mentioned earlier, I do recommend that you use these tools repeatedly for an extended period of time for the best results. There are more tools out there, but the ones I mentioned can very effective when actively applied. This really helps drive new beliefs into your subconscious mind, and replaces and reprograms old self limiting ones. Make your practice your own, based on whatever tools or techniques feel the most effective for you. Use them daily to create the powerful results you desire.

5. Take Aligned Action

If you’ve read this blog long enough by now, you know how heavily I emphasize aligned action. It matters. And I will preach this manifestation step to the end. Taking intuitively aligned action is what bridges the gap between dreaming and physical reality. It makes a tangible difference. This is what creates the forward momentum you need towards achieving your dreams.

When you do this, capitalize on the now. There’s no time like the present; and this is especially potent when you’re working to integrate new habits, beliefs, and identities. It helps you show yourself on a conscious and subconscious level, that you’re creating actual change in your life. It reminds you of who you are now, and helps you embody the version of yourself that you’re ready to become. As you continue to do this, you’ll build more self confidence and self trust; which really matters when you’re breaking free of old limiting patterns and creating long term change.

6. Surround Yourself with Different Influences

Most people surround themselves with the same people, that have the same ideas, with the same habits that they already operate from. This isn’t necessarily bad, because everyone has value and something to contribute to the world. However, this only serves to sustain the same level of existence. This doesn’t help you expand your mind, or break through old ways of being when you surround yourself with the same influences that kept you where you are now. If you want to change your beliefs, change the things that feed the beliefs you currently have. Shift your focus, and change the influences in your environment that guide it.

Expand the circle of people in your life, and the content you consume. Have different conversations, or interact with others that have different mindsets aligned with the ones you want to adopt. Surround yourself with influences that align with the life you want to create for yourself, not the one you’re trying to escape. Break the cycle, and do something different.

7. Learn From Success

Connect and learn from people who are living the lives that you actually want. Yes, we’re all unique and different in our own ways; but ultimately, we’re all one and interconnected. The law of oneness states that we come from the same original source, and therefore are all interconnected. So what is possible for one, is possible for all. Sometimes we just have to go about achieving the same things in different ways. So when you see someone living the life you want for yourself, don’t get discouraged, get curious. A lot of people get discouraged or envious, because they think it’s possible for that person, but not for them. That’s just a limiting belief that doesn’t get you any closer to living the life you want. That belief, keeps you where you are.

Instead, shift your perspective to think,

“If it’s possible for them, then it’s possible for me.

Then ask yourself,

  • What do they know that I don’t?
  • And what are they doing differently to get the results they have that I desire?

Get curious, and see what you can learn from these people.

Be selective with the influences you allow to surround you in your daily life. Allow yourself to receive guidance and wisdom from those who have achieved similar results to the ones you want, and pay close attention to what they’re doing differently. Even if they don’t know it, observe them.

8. Celebrate Success

Get excited when you see someone doing what you want; and take this as a sign from the Universe that it’s not only possible for you, but that it’s also already manifesting into your field. It’s getting closer to manifesting into your physical reality, because in some capacity it already has through someone else. You wouldn’t have even seen it, if you weren’t in some way a vibrational match. See this as an encouraging sign that you’re on the right track. Abraham Hicks calls this driftwood.

Let other people’s success inspire you, and encourage you to pursue your own. Remember, when one of us wins, we all win. We’re all interconnected. There is more than enough success to go around. The success of one person with pure intentions, opens the door of success for many more to come.

9. Be Consistent

Long term change and transformation isn’t a one and done deal, it’s a regular choice. You have to commit to being who you want to be, and living the life you want to live daily until it becomes second nature. Live, sleep, and breathe these new empowering beliefs on a daily basis. This is how you form new habits, and establish new identities. Consistency is key if you want powerful results.

Habits are just programmed ways of being you’ve repeated over and over again to the point where they’re naturalized. If you could program the self limiting habits and beliefs you have in the past, you can reprogram new and empowering ones in the present.

If you think about it, you didn’t come into this world with any of the subconscious beliefs or patterns you have now. You acquired them over time. You absorbed them through your surroundings, based on what you consumed mentally and emotionally on a regular basis. This is what made them a habitual part of your life and identity. You can do the same thing again. Except this time, you can choose the beliefs you want to build your reality, and select the influences you consume to help you get there. Immerse yourself with the beliefs you want to instill, and embody them on a regular basis.

10. Be Patient with Yourself

You’re not perfect, and you don’t have to be to live the life you love. That doesn’t make you unworthy. And it also doesn’t make you worthy of settling for circumstances less than the ones you desire. On your path towards self empowerment and living the life you desire; you’re probably going to mess up sometimes. This is natural. It’s okay if you have days where you’re not as aligned with the best version of yourself. No one’s perfect. Forgive yourself, remember you’re human, and accept the fact that you’re allowed to grow from your challenges.

Again, you’re not going to be perfect, nor do you have to be. Get back on the horse. You only fail when you accept temporary defeat as your final outcome. So if fall down, don’t stay down; get back up and try again. You are more powerful than you think, and are entirely capable of creating the change you want to see in your life. You’re gonna have your off days, it happens. But rather than criticize yourself into compliancy, choose to cheer yourself on and celebrate the ways you already won. Focus on how far you’ve already come, and how much further you can go. Then take inspired action, and move forward from that place.

Think to yourself,

  • What’s the next right step I can take right now to get me back into alignment with my best life, and back into alignment with my best self?

You’ll never know how far you can go unless you allow yourself to try. So give yourself a real shot, and believe that you’re still capable of more. You’re so worthy of it.


Overcoming personal challenges can be difficult at first, but it’s worth doing in order to live the lives we truly desire. Even if it may not seem like it, you’re entirely capable of creating the powerful change you want to see. Sometimes it’s just a matter of using the right tools with the right effort and determination. And sometimes it’s just a matter of gathering the courage to get out of our own way to do the things we know we need to do. We’ve all been there.

But everyone reading this is an equally powerful sovereign being capable of creating real change and transformation in their life. Although, the journey isn’t always easy, it’s worth it. And the feeling you get from showing up for yourself, and your dreams, makes it worth the effort alone. I hope you use these tips and tools to move beyond your own perceived limitations, and breakthrough to more empowered ways of living. These tips have truly changed my life, and I believe if applied can, and will, change yours. You’ve got this. Focus on your dream, and don’t give up.

Journal Prompts

  • What are some beliefs you have that may be limiting your capacity to live the life you want?
  • How different would you be if you didn’t have those disempowering beliefs?
  • How would your life change if you didn’t have them? What would it look like?
  • What beliefs would enable you to live the life you truly want to live?
  • And what actions can you take right now that align you with the life you want based on these new empowering beliefs?

Love, Simone.

The Alchemist’s Moon




  • Jessica

    “Take the fact that you have the desire alone, as your permission slip to pursue it.” What a fantastic & empowering way to look at your desires.

    Also, I love the part where you say to observe our bodies. I’m always astounded at how much my body knows before I’m willing to admit it.

    Thank you for this inspiring post in my inbox 🙂

    • Simone Patricia

      Thank you so much Jessica! I appreciate you and your comment, and I’m glad to know that this post resonated and helped inspire you. 💛 That means so much to me, so thank you for taking time to let me know! Also, yes, the body does have a lot of natural wisdom we can tap into when we just direct our conscious awareness to it, and get curious about what certain feelings may be communicating. Being present in your body is a great way to reconnect with your intuitive guidance. Glad this helped!✨