Self care is essential; although, many people don’t treat it that way. As important as it is to work towards your dreams, it’s equally important take care of yourself as you get there. There is no dream achievement, if there is no you healthy enough to achieve them. Your dreams and your wellbeing are linked.
A lot of people work towards pursuing their goals, but destroy themselves in the process of getting there. However, it doesn’t need to be this way, nor should it be. You want to enjoy life on the way towards achieving your dreams; not burn yourself out to the point where you can’t even enjoy the fruits of your labor once you get there. So here are 10 self care tips that have helped me take care of myself as I’ve pursued my dreams, that I truly believe will help you too!
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1. Get Daily Rest & Relaxation
Give yourself the rest you need. Good sleep allows you to heal, reset, and recoup from your previous day. And it’s what prepares your mind and body for the day to come; without it, it’s extremely difficult to focus your energy on anything else besides the chance to get more sleep. Proper rest gives you the foundation you need to have the energy to focus on achieving your goals, and giving it your all. So make sure you prioritize getting enough of it, and give yourself adequate time to do so.
2. Practice Self Compassion
Be compassionate with yourself. Sometimes people can be hypercritical of themselves, and become their worst critics. Compassion enables you to be kind to yourself when you make perfectly normal human mistakes. Personal challenges are normal part of the self development and manifestation journey. You’re not perfect, you’re not meant to be perfect, nor do you need to be to manifest your dreams and live your best life. You’re meant to be you, and your imperfections are a part of what makes you beautifully human. They are a part of what makes you so unique.
You don’t need to be someone you’re not, or be a perfect version of yourself, to give yourself permission to pursue what you want in life. And you don’t need to be perfect to be worthy of what you desire. You’re worthy now, as you are. You’re allowed to grow, be flawed, make mistakes, and still pursue what you want anyway. You are vast and abundant enough to hold space for it all, and still be able to hold space for more.
Give yourself the love and compassion you wish you received from others, or that you would give to someone you deeply loved. You’re worthy of that same love and kindness too; because you’re imperfect, and you’re still just as lovable. So give yourself that extra kindness when you need it, and try leaning into to compassion more than self criticism.
3. Connect with Nature
Connecting with nature enables you to ground yourself, and clear our the mental clutter. It’s great for helping you disconnect from excessive external stimuli, and brings you back to the present moment. When you connect to the present moment, you can connect with your authentic self. You’re able to hear your inner voice more clearly, and receive the intuitive guidance that your spirit has for you. This not only helps you shift and ground your energy, but also gives you the guidance you need to take intuitively aligned actions to achieve your dreams.
4. Have Fun
If you’re not enjoying the journey, what’s the point?
Fun and joy matter, make it a priority in your life to have some. Do what you love! Make sure you regularly do things you genuinely enjoy, even if it’s something small. This refreshes and rejuvenates your energy, and helps give you that zest for life. Joy reenergizes you, and helps bring fresh energy and ideas to various aspects of your life, including your dreams. If some of the things you do in order to create your dreams aren’t as enjoyable, try to find creative ways to add joy, and make it more fun. Adding fun to your daily life is one of the best self care practices you can do.
5. Connect with People You Love
Reconnecting with people you love is an amazing self care practice to help boost your energy. High vibe energy is key to living a high vibe life, but also helps you manifest your dreams into reality that much faster. Having a strong support system not only adds more beauty to life, but also helps motivate you along your journey towards pursuing your goals. Deep connections with people you love can help foster a deeper sense of connectedness, love, support, and meaning in life.
6. Connect with Your Inner Child
When the needs of your inner child are unmet, the inner child reacts. This can come out in a variety of ways some including: having full blown adult tantrums, being unable or unwilling to express your needs and desires, and having immature interactions with others. However, when the inner child is acknowledged and taken care of, it creates a deeper sense of wholeness, love, and connection to ourselves. In addition, it can also help to foster more creativity and joy in life. Not only does this allow us to take care of all parts of ourselves, but it also allows to stay connected with our childlike playful nature.
A great way to connect with your inner child is to do some of the things you loved most as a kid. You can even treat yourself to a favorite childhood food on occasion. Personally, I loved watching fantasy movies, dancing, and dressing up as a kid. So now I like to rewatch my favorite animated movies, dance, and express my inner diva through clothes. Think of the things you loved to do as a kid, and see how you can play with that or do similar things now.
You could also try connecting with your inner child through meditation, and asking them what they need. Be gentle, and address those unmet needs within yourself. And give yourself the love and attention you craved as kid, this way you’re not subconsciously seeking to acquire this from other people.
7. Declutter Your Life
Make space for the things you want to call into your life, and remove the things that no longer serve you. Overtime it’s easy for us to accumulate a lot of things, and even mentalities, that aligned with older versions of ourselves that we’ve outgrown. So it’s a good practice to take regular inventory of your life, and the things, people, and beliefs that are actively filling it. Good rule of thumb is; if it’s not aligned with who you are, or who you want to be, it’s probably ready to go. You need to make space to allow the things you actually want to manifest in your life, including internal shifts.
This decluttering is really both a physical and energetic clearing. It can be difficult at times, but ultimately letting go of the things that don’t serve us can be an extremely liberating and transformative practice. However, it’s also okay to take time to grieve the things you’re letting go of, even if it’s an old identity or a part of yourself. It’s good to let things, beliefs, habits, and even old mindsets go that are keeping you stuck in old ways of being. Releasing them can expand your capacity to embody the person you want to be, and further enable you to create the life you want.
8. Embody Your Best Self
Embody the person you want to be. This is a powerful way to not only step into your most empowered self, but also to help you manifest more situations aligned with your most ideal self, a.k.a your dreams. Remember, you attract what you are.
I love this self care tip, because it helps you bring fresh energy into your life; and helps you quickly align with your authentic self through embodiment and expression. It helps you feel like the person you’re becoming, and express different parts of yourself. Embody the person you want to be through the way you dress, speech, activities, or even makeup. Look, act, and speak like that person. Go where you would go, and wear what you would wear. This is a fun way to speed up your manifestation process, and feel aligned with your current truth in the present moment.
9. Have a Daily Spiritual Practice
A daily spiritual practice really helps tune you into your own inner wisdom, and back to universal guidance. Connecting with your intuition on a regular basis is key to taking the right aligned actions at the right time. Your intuition knows what you truly need and desire before you do. And it will guide you in that direction even when it doesn’t make sense to your conscious mind. Having a spiritual practice is a powerful step in achieving your dreams, and it also just feels good. It helps connect you to something greater, and creates a deeper sense of meaning and connection in life.
There are many ways to have a spiritual practice. For instance, I love meditation, and notice it has a profound impact on myself and my life whenever I do it. So I make meditation a regular part of my daily spiritual practice. Some people love prayer, or going out in nature to commune with god or the Universe.
You can even do it through various embodiment and movement modalities like: dance, yoga, sacred sensuality or sexuality, and breath work. If you’re interested in dance as a component of your spiritual practice, Soulignaction is an amazing spiritually aligned online dance studio. They have a variety of classes focused on embodying different parts of your spirituality some including: the akasha, tantric expression, and inner child healing. They also provide regular weekly classes that help you reconnect with your own inner guidance, and embody your authentic higher self. Use the code DANCEGODDESS10 to get 10% off your purchase if you decide to try them out!
There are so many ways you can go about establishing a daily spiritual routine, just make it your own. Journaling, or stream of consciousness writing, can also be great way to channel your higher self and your intuition. Listen to your intuitive guidance, and follow the practices you’re most drawn towards. Whichever practice feels the best, and is a good one to start with.
10. Ask for Help
Whether this be professional help, or support from a friend or family member, know it’s okay to ask for it. Obviously, everyone isn’t a trained professional, and not everyone is capable of holding space for you in the way you may need. If you feel you need professional help as a part of your self care journey, do it. Reach for the help you need when you need it; even if it’s just temporary support.
There is absolutely nothing shameful about reaching out for additional help from a qualified provider, and if it feels like the most aligned decision for you, honor that. In addition to this, you can also ask for additional support from trusted friends or family members. Ask them first if they’re in good space to do so, and if they are, open up. Sometimes all we need is to have a good vent session in a safe space with someone we trust.
You need to take care of yourself. Self care comes in many forms, and looks different for every person. However, this is a non-negotiable thing that many people seem to forget, and are quick to remove from a busy schedule. Remember, self care enables you to fully show up for the dreams you have. Taking care of your mental, emotional, and physical self not only allows you pursue your passions, but also best serve the people you love the most.
Remember, health is wealth, and love is a form of abundance. Practicing self care is a physical form of self love. When we show up to give ourselves the love we need, we’re then able to show up in even greater ways to express that same love back into the world. So self care is not selfish, it’s selfless, and it’s important. These self care tips were extremely useful in my self love and manifestation journey, and I believe they’ll be useful for you too. Remember, compassion and consistency are key. Be patient with yourself, be honest, and don’t give up. You’ve got this.
Love, Simone.
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